Who is OVF___Guy_Drinkin_A_Beer___OVF?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Vadue, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. 98 posts and thinks his opinion matters
  2. Yeah man, how dare you raise a completely valid point and promote PvP, get out dude
  3. Because you responded to the initial hits by walling him.

    Some folks farm for gold, some for the funny responses.
  4. I am having a hard time understanding a lot of these posts but, correct me if I am wrong here, what everyone is trying to say is No, none of you know who the guy is and why he would spend so much of his (likely her) time trying to farm some random person even though 90% of the attacks are fails. :lol:

    Thanks for the responses, you have help answer my question. :lol:
  5. I was actually being serious.

    They sent you some hits.

    You returned some/posted their wall a few times.

    They hit some more.

    You made a thread.

    They dont need their hits to be successful. You're probably doing exactly what they were hoping.
  6. You still made the thread so are pathetic and I realised it when I first read it, boi
  7. 9mcs and little PvP experience and thinks his opinions matter on pvp related threads.
  8. His post was far more valuable than the last 8k+ you have inflicted on us. Once upon a time you were on your 98th post too... if only it had stopped there :(
  9. Shots fired
  10. savage
  11. Maybe, but at the bottom of his 'Introduce Yourself' thread he did exactly the same thing to someone with 95 posts. Totally unnecessary... a bit like the thread itself. Everyone starts somewhere, no need to be unpleasant about it.

    Ironically on that thread he also said he helped new players. Maybe he means 'help new players to not want to log in again'.
  12.  makes the most sense
  13. You have an attack button too
  14. Prob some early 40's male living in his parents basement listening to slayer and drinking beer
  15. No I actually volley new players and offer advice "Scarleu" is a player I helped recently.
  16. Actually I'm in my teens boi.
  17. Lol, slayer.
  18. I don't pvp much anymore because pvp got boring and I mainly forum now.
    I never posted a "serious" opinion on this thread anyway.
  19. Yes I was but I wasn't flaming people at 98posts.
    People try to diss me with my gaming style, I diss them on their FORUMING because THIS IS FORUMS.
  20. Sasuke, to quote The Rabbi:

    "The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him on the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it's time to go shopping for a saddle."

    When you have to respond to each person on a thread defending yourself... well, you get the idea.