Cella, Redstar, I_Teja_I, and Chongo_Hombre are all legends because they show their dominace via LB length of time remained leaders.
@Knight So money bags make you a legend? Pfffft get out of here. Out of in-game on the strictest of levels, I'd say KoW/Ajax. Also, Charizard, your length of time to relative gameplay is atrocious. LWP is right when he says you're "KaW Young" what have you been apart of?
regran57 Bastion elite_ghoomba german_idiot Toast Aaaand I forgot everyone. It has been an awfully long time.
Fiddler I know many people will dispute this that they don like her but she is the reason I started and she got me to we're my stats are in now time I will have 1mil attack within a week to two at most three and I've only had my 120 active for 20 days
*I am not old school player. However, I am still entitled to my own opinion. Therefore, the following are those whom I feel worthy of the title 'KaW legend.' The infamous Dis! Angel Nic (sinmonkey)(detrimental) Majesty Swabia Soon to be: (noticed, but not usually given credit, *again in my opinion) Blazey Los-Malakwarrior LwP (in five years) Bellemorte MickeyKnocks Potential: (Stop being a classy bunch and come out of the woodworks) Cratnas Cahuck Donno-the-first
Justice you spelled it wrong and its my opinion. One must respect other's opinions to be respected so I ask you just respect my opinion and I will yours
Seriously only mention for Hansel? So many people use his build(wrongly) and name him on a regular basis Trueplayer? What's he a legend for getting banned for cheating? If half the people naming legends had been around when the real legends were made, half the guys on this thread wouldn't get a mention
@rogue I guess TP was the legend in cheating at least till he finally get caught near the end of the war