Who Cheated? You Decide.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _________san__________, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. I don't understand, though, how knowing the plunder score can help you cheat...
  2. I really don't think this a serious problem. I haven't even heard of people doing it before.
    Also it may be more interesting to see which clans stop warring this weekend, ate the change, rather than how winning records are affected.
  3. Just because you don't know about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Clan owners, admins, trackers and/ war commanders aren't going to tell everyone in the clan about it. Why? Because its considered cheating? So the argument of " I've been in Clan XYZ and haven't heard of it" doesn't mean much.
  4. We use many different trackers. It's possible, but extremely non-probable.

    Oh, just read the title....
  6. Not updating the plunder score is simply a casualty of the fix the dev's are implementing. They are preventing the real time update of actions through the background data during the war. You could always tell which clans where cheating (xtal and do nothing for 2,3 mins then scout successfully once... if you got a dozen inc from a scout then they were probably abusing or it was a lucky scan). I am very interested in how they perform now though.
  7. Hmm. I wonder what he meant by "self regulate". :)
  8. This should be interesting...
  9. This is why osw is far superior to ee
  10. when you get 70 incs within 3 secs you tell me if that is cheating
  11. Can't read this on pc

    But i see its to do with ee

    Hopefully with the amount of numbers you can sign up with will stop this problem
  12. @poc i know youve dont that with a certain clan many times... a few admins have tried it at once.... so i hear 
  13. more than two of those clans you named are um... Inactive 
  14. Nice thread
  15. Botting to grow an account is cheating but only really effects the account you are using. It still sucks.

    Being supposedly able to see past front page and monitor spy actions in real time then to use this ability to monitor and influence the outcome of a war if another... We are know it's spy actions that win or loose an ee war. No one except devs should be able to see spy actions made by another.

    IF the rumours are correct it also means that someone could easily see if you are active at all - I'm assuming it gets data packets or whatever from kaw so would also be a great strip tool with no defence the player can make.
    What other private info about our accounts could or can be seen by players IF this Is true?

    From what I've heard and seen personally (alot have) there's enough to strip certain individuals clearly by a fairly large number of clans that have been cheated by certain individuals or clans.

    While majority in said rumoured cheating clan X or Y must have been totally unaware of any cheating, a handful (wasn't there rumours of a comments tab ??) did know and approve of this..

    Now while its against tou to name players, some are linked to this and in deep do do in terms that its a public connection, rumours ss and even an external link spread around a third party app.. If your aware of this then you know those named and why and the "evidence" linking. If all this is news to u then ok..

    Those mentioned should step up and publicly explain if ATA won't.

    If they choose not to publicly defend their name / clan name / honour / reputation etc then just shows them in their true light and they deserve to wake up naked IMO. Perhaps the main group of clans effected should get together and go after those couple players seemingly aware and promoting this cheat - THAT'S IF ifs true 

    If ifs all bs and rumours I still step up to defend my name and clan and stop the rumours but I'm driven by silly principles and values about reputation and respect. I know many dont know meaning of word and simply don't care.

    ATA should atleast explain their side and what's been done or gonna be done to restore faith in this drama.
  16. Well said my main  Totally support!

    After the end of upcoming war 6 I think we will be able to see the "Cheaters".

    I support the punishment by remove myth equipments and myth from the owner and admins of the clan (wc and trackers in order to have access to ca for sure they are admins).
  17. For all who did not know Curtish is my main 
  18. Support. Cheaters should be punished. Good research Curt and ty for bringing this to general kawmunity.
  19. For sure dear is not human inc :)