Who are the clans that don't need stacked rosters to war?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __LethalInjection__, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Thank you Crazy.My point to infamous exactly.
  2. CRD uses the first 20 family members, or friends to sign up. We will never go out and look for sh for easier matches. :) family over stupid stacked rosters haha
  3. Fonzy, you strike me as the smartest person on this that so far.Many many peeps on this game complain about the roster situation but it's not all the devs fault. Sure they have some blame in releasing hf & hte about the same time (dumbasses) but the real fault lies in the clans. Clans like RH who want to b***h out with their roster. I'm sure there are great warriors there but despite their "winning" streak we'll really never know.There are PLENTY others & I only use them because they are the more well known for manipulating rosters.
    Until clans quit feeding into this funnel nothing is going to change.
  4. Yep lethal, I've been saying it for quite a while now. Also fun fact: if you don't use SH you get a match every time :)
  5. I don't EE because I refuse to get towers.

    Towers kill most of my chances to get return fire when I go on my battle list sprees.
  6. On Moose's point, personally I would appreciate it if the devs did some mech changes to allow more casual players to war. (Or maybe two leagues?  A "general league" with mechs that reduce plunder differential on SH? And a "pro" league where anything goes? maybe with more rewards for the pro league.) anyway I'd hoped the devs goal was to make a really fun aspect of the game widely available. What their goals are I really don't know, but there's such an opportunity here for people to enjoy KAW and yet it's become quite limited. The current situation seems a bit of a waste of the game's potential. Op I apologize as idk if this  addresses your question sufficiently. I can add that the outlawz tried some wars with few or no SH - we lost all but one but they were fun.
  7. @ mina look educate and think before u speak
  8. Stacked lb roster gh/sh wars suck we all know it Most have had to use some sh/gh but their are clans that go legit LB SH ROSTER THOSE WARS SUCK, KICK A BABY OR PUNCH MIKE TYSON hope to see devs fix the system a bit so that all can war--- HEARD AN TREMENDOUS THOUGHT YOU MAKE PER HIT WHAT U PAY -- sell of adp sdp u make less run a crap build make crap
  9. @infamous , mind telling<thinking> how many mids and how many sh ur clan generally use ?
    i am sure u will know wat we talking about here :p
  10. Thank you Willowroot for your educated input. Please don't apologize.I appreciate any good input.
  11. And Rohit, you are along my same amount of thought as well. Thank you. It's insulting when those who have no idea try to act so smart.
  12. K.o.S does use some sh. I don't think small builds should be EXCLUDED from war. We limit our usage. We never roster more than 8 and sometimes less. We have gotten some pretty bad matches but we have done well for ourselves through the season.
  13. There are multiple good war clans that war with mids. The real issue is how late this was implemented. Because this feature was installed so late, all these rich players put their gold into towers and set high standards. Most of the bigs/lbs probably didn't have many towers until the Rancor Wars started coming around. Then they exploited their stacks of gold in towers. If this was implemented early in the games release, there would be more active clans resulting to match up with more clans in your "tier". It his hard to push this great idea, so late. The only way to create more of a balance is to have more clans warring. The devs try to suit you with your best match, so if you a bunch of clans with mids around the same size casted for war, they're more likely to match each other. There will always be those clans that have the best roster, no matter how they exploit it. There just needs to be more casual warring clans, so they counter balance all the super powered clans.

    I hope that is clear :/
  14. counter balance them ? by getting defeated all the time ? lol
  15. if clans with mids only matched with other clans with mids , then roaster stacking would not hv started lol
  16. Exactly Rohit. The problem is the huge builds & a few small builds matching against mids. Mids don't have a chance. It's ridiculous. This off season is fine for a change.....more to come....stay tuned
  17. Meh my 2 cents this season was/is utterly rediculas. Seriously when a roster of any winning ee clan HAS to have 50% sh/gh or ill even say this devs why is it that more then 50% of the ee sh/gh of less then 4m cs? Failure and enjoyment lost...
  18. why is op in one of these fake/ not "real" ee clans when his clan stacks 13-14 sh every war lmao
  19. lol....look at the clans you say are 'good' EE clans.......sure maybe small GH/SH...so stacking LB ok? :(