Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Not everyone spends the majority of their Ike perusing forums. Some just see a topic of interest and post. I know bud it's a shock to me to. But even the great Frontosis does the same
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! ^What the heck is an "ike"? You used the wrong to, btw. Congratulations, Mr. "Great Ike".
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Ike is kyles Canadian little brother on South Park sir.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! For Christ sake. Whenever this happens to a white man no-one cares. But when it happens to a black man suddenly all cops are racist
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! I see a man pointing a gun at another man. What looks to be an officer and a civilian, tbh. We see this all the time in my city. There are no certain ethnicities being targeted. Its ppl killing ppl like it always has been and always will be. Funny yall see colors still.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! All lives should matter, not just because your black pfft liberals
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Perhaps the man needed the gun pointed at his head!! Imo, its raciat to asume otherwise, just because he's black!
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! @sasuke "Ike" is an age old adage meaning time. It usually occurs when ones fingers misalign with the keys or ones phone inappropriately assigns an auto correction. Rare, but happens none the less. I'm really surprised you didn't know that. And you understood my post correct? I thought so also. I hope knowing which "too" to use brings you all the success in the world sportī
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Looks like an otoscope and the nice policeman is asking the black man to say ahhh so he can check his tonsils.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Saying BlacklivesMatter infers that black lives matter more. These movements don't want equality they want attention. Equality is everyone being treated the same, if you commit a crime you should be punished. Regardless of what is happening in this photo, law enforcement does a good job most of the time. The media takes a few cases and blows it up into way bigger issues.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! And about the cop. No cop should be killing(threatening as well) anyone unless their life is threatened and that theyre sure of this. If a cop fires at someone who is non-lethal then it must be used to disable and not to kill.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! The more I look at this picture the more it looks like the policeman is holding an head massager and is treating this fine upstanding gentleman from the local community an free head massage for the 'giving back to the community ' program.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! The point static made just flew way over your head didnt it?
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Police profile blacks it's admitted by police. Not a secret. Police bully the public in general. I've never been helped by 1 police officer in my life. But I've been harassed by cops on countless occasion, from check points to being stopped for air fresher hanging from rear view mirrors. And let's get this straight. Police don't prevent crime or they would be out a job. They are code enforcers. And alot of the code they enforce are violations of the constitutuion. Even if someone had a lethal weapon does this give cops the right to kill people also. With technology there are weapons that can incapacitate a person much more effective than bullets. And who are the real thugs. I dare you to just randomly go up to a cop and question their role in society as being public servants. Not public puppets to keep the money rolling. And as I said they don't prevent crime. That would involve no money to be made. Anyhow rant over. And for all the troll/sheeple. Your to dumb to figure it out or you'd already know. So logic can't save you at this point nor will ignorance.
Re: "American" cop points gun at black mans head! Liberal: of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties. Such bastards those liberals.