Which has the better plunder? Haunt or FOD

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by clymes, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Haunting - upgrade=0
    So fod.
  2. Do you get amulets with FoD now? Didn't know that.. I'm eb noob 
  3. Ok first Haunts pay the best per unload, that's what you have to look at when determining what EB pays the best. Yes FoD pays good but bonus are nowhere close to haunts. Pots and bars are a good bonus since they have been added, but do not accumulate to enough to reach haunt payouts unless you get bars. Bars and inferno/aqua will not happen often for everyone as it very inconsistent and completely random. Also adding inferno and aqua to your payout makes no sense, you cannot sell them and have a chance to fail when enchanting. So if you want to grow the fastest and make the most gold do Haunts 24/7.
  4. ***= accumulate. As for my experience a FoD where I unload 6x I make around 7-8b. Compare that to 6 one hour haunts, I'd make at least 10b. Mind you this is without any EE bonus.
  5.  *** is acc umulate.
  6. Easy answer: FOD.
    If we can calculate all the total plunders made on as many haunts a clan can make within the time the same clan can do a FOD, haunts win. But then we can add the total money that all players have made only by selling bronze bars and pots droped on that FOD and the winer for sure is FOD 
  7. FOD because u get armor and bronze bars selling and plus money also  