Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Miss_Erika (01), Oct 28, 2011.

  1. I see it too. 
  2. It's....it's....it's GOD!!!! He's spoken!!
  3. P.S. This thread will fail!
  4. I bet this won't work.
  5. Dang... Stupid lying interwebz
  6. What the heck would "s" stand for?
  7. Let's get this thread ontopic!
  8. Only in America... Made in china.
  9. I saw somewhere on the Internet that s Could be used to put a line through your sentence...
  10. Meanwhile, in the UK...

  11. Yay for stupid stereotypes!!
  12. Think that's Russia
  13. [​IMG]

    Just to balance it out.
  14. Aww, I seen that kid!