Let's not go out of the content here because of a number difference. What this crack guy doesn't understand is that American lives do matter but, people like him have no respect for them because they've seen how America is falling as a nation. I say forget about that and live on today still remembering that day. Everyday we use, is a day those people won't. That shows there from this crack guy that he is not better than the terrorists who caused 9/11. That's my opinion
No. Families of car "accident" (now called incidents because not all are accidents) victims remember and honor their life on their own. But today, millions and billions of people honor the death of thousands. It's the same amount of value. It's just more people, therefore bigger reaction.
That's not what he's saying Nova. He's trying to say that their lives are just as important as anyone else's. We should not idolize them as that can be dangerous - it gives credibility to those who are racist against Islamic people and those who don't understand Islam. I think it's high time that the age of Islamophobia in America comes to an end. Sure, it's good to remember family members and acknowledge that the event occurred. But it still helps to spread misinformation and helps to keep Islamophobia alive. If America is to be successful in the future it needs to be rational today. Its fear of Islam is causing it to make poor decisions.
9/11 is a big deal to some people, not because of the lives lost, but instead, because of the innocence lost. Pre 9/11 America was a country that enjoyed more freedoms and had less worries. Post 9/11 is a whole new era in American culture. Flying In America sucks hard now, where as before it was no big deal. Also, the enemies America face became much more real that day. Terrorism wasn't something that just happened on the news in "other countries" anymore. 9/11 was also an excuse for the government to grow even more massive than it already was. Americans got the "department of home land security" (why? You have the CIA and FBI). They also got the patriot act and a bunch of other freedom crippling government spending stuff that's too long to list here. So, what's the big deal about 9/11? It's not the deaths. As others have rightfully pointed out, more people die in car accidents or hurricanes or earthquakes or what ever. The big deal with 9/11 is the change in the American psyche. Weather that change is good or bad will be up to you for discussion.
i was getting ready for school in Australia, and i wasnt happy because pokémon was not on before school not realizing the events that changed the world
As for where I was, I was in Australia working at a place called "Pine Gap". It made form a very interesting day/week.
I was stoned sitting in a classroom in high school and my teacher got a call from her son in NYC. So she turned on the junk old classroom TV about the same time the second plane hit. ...I had my headphones in and at first I thought it was an ad for a new Die Hard movie. Did anyone else wish they owned an American flag manufacturing plant on 9-12-01?
Kaw forums needs a lot of things like supporting not just gifs but videos too. I would place a video here of the American flag waving and playing the national anthem
I'm sorry, but this was no terrorist attack, unless you consider Larry Silverstein and Dick Cheney terrorists. The people in the towers on 9/11 were murdeted in cold blood by greedy men looking to profit from the fallout - men who walk the streets freely to this day and have never been investigated.
As the Murican patriot I turned out to be, I would like to tell you how wrong you are and that you should replay that event over and over to combine yourself. I won't do that in this case and I'll just say, Thank you for your opinion.
I was a patriot, too. I even enlisted in our army's infantry and deployed to Iraq. I watched my buddies die and I killed kids and women. Don't try to discredit me, son.
I didn't that's why I said thank you for your opinion. For your service to our nation too. What else do you want? A cookie?