Where We Whack For Wisps

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -CyBeR_EcLiPTiC_MaCHiNE-, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. I got none from No Mans Land.
  2. Tsg dropping 1-14
  3. I got none from To The Chamber - Blood Rains. :(
  4. It's not 6 million per person, it's 6 million collectively in the KaWmunity.

    Now get whacking ebs 
  5. I got none from Figure of Death. :oops:
  6. 18 from reckoning!
  7. I got 2 from A Familiar Foe.
  8. The acct you posted from has not done reckoning, you were in an HTE. :-/
  9. As why I didnt update it unless proof is brought
  10. Maybe his other account did that. :p
  11. I checked some recent eb finishes and Battle royals can drop 1 but it seems to be rare
  12. Immortal Warrior's (3) Reckoning
  13. Two my accounts get none from To The Chamber - Blood Rain.
  14. 23 from HTE. :geek:
  15. AFF high plunder ~18
    top 10 ~ 10
    Rest ~ 4
  16. 2 fro. Rotwb
  17. Drops been cut down for devs to bank extra real cash, at the start of land promo i got a whopping 48wisps with no xtals from hte now I'm lucky to get 12 From hte, had got 1 from a rotwb with the horn that dropped from the hte I scored 48wisps in but since then drops been extra low signs that proves it is my whopping 60wisp,after 4hte's 2rotwb an a reg haunt a total of 60wisp is a rip off