Where We Whack For Wisps

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -CyBeR_EcLiPTiC_MaCHiNE-, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. 2 from blue piggy
  2. Yayyy go devs loose the rest of your customers greedy.greedy ata woohoo support
  3. Someone in my clan got 50 from HTE

    New Record

  4. I got 7 from smoke signals
  5. 9 from an HTE, almost 2 unloads and some items
  6. Not lb... hte clans where counting in you ;)
  7. Hte seems to only drop low amounts
  8. Your right there shadow. but its quicker to get roughly 15 than from other ebs that takes longer.
  9. 13 from rotwb
  10. I got none from reg haunt but 3 clan members all got 1 each
  11. 47 from hte no xtals but got a few items
  12. Nothing from reg haunts
  13. TBO drops 1-5 but not often
  14. I got 1 from Scionic Storm.
  15. Zero from Warbeasts (not rotwb)

    Noob clan here btw