The issue is, that it's progressively gotten more and more difficult to be able to recruit enough newbs to keep that kind if clan active enough now. Its went from being able to search for 15k allies and getting 5 or so new members every time to only being able to pick up that daily. Because of that amoung other things has lead to noob clans becoming more and more rare imo. Another thing is that it's just time consuming to run one and to teach new members the ropes time and time again on a daily basis, some just don't want to do that.
HTE has killed KAW it's killed of the running of the smaller eb's for the new ppl and that leads to lack of equip for them allies are another issue but again because of HTE gold is in overabundance so the newbies will never hold on to any allies even if lucky to find one.
Same. They just think its very complicated. I think maybe the tutorial at the start should be more in depth and cover things in beginners guide in forums. + the ally market is horrible and really does stunt growth. New players should at least get a free 1 bil ally
The minimum ally in the ally mark is 1 bill. Noobs do not understand that you have to save a bill to buy an ally and grow.
Ally market is outrageously high compared to how it was when I first started. No allies for new players means no plunder which means no growth which eventually means massive boredom and grinding. Need to take off max plunder based on allies and make allies strictly for bfa.
Well seeing as how if i post in wc for a T1-T3 starter clan and i get no responce, im guessing there arnt any.