where do you work?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JameTail, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. I feel this would be one of the most entertaining, but disgusting jobs in existence. Except the disgusting part. There are people in countries whose job is to climb into people's outhouse poop holes and clean them out.

    Anyway. I teach.
  2. Excuse me but I cant disclose personal infomation on a 9+ game.

    But on a serious note, Im a secret agent working for the FBI whoops...
  3. Entertaining job; bar tender
    See all the funny stuff when people get drunk.
  4. I thought you cant have a job and kaw at the same time
    I guess i was wrong
  5. I'm a pmp
  6. Not a bypass. Actual terminology for my job
  7. My boss doesn't care if we kaw and work.
  8. I crush cans for a living... It's soda pressing
  9. Karate instructor. Been teaching about 12 years now. It's fun most times. Other times you want to beat the kids you work with
  10. Badum tsk
  11. Your an idiot. You think everyone who goes to college ha good framer and spelling.
  12. 4 days a week of school. And only 2h of school. I'm in college son.
  13. I work at home, with some handyman stuff on the side.

    I write for one of those BuzzFeed news sites, except minus the brain cancer that is BuzzFeed.

    All I do is write an article, send it in, and get cash. It isn't enough to support entirely, thus the odd jobs on the side, but it brings in enough for me.
  14. I thought you were an artist
  15. If they want to pass English class in high school so they can qualify for post secondary education, yes they would.
  16. Contractor. Residential remodeling normally but take on commercial jobs when the location is reasonable.
  17. You're*

  18. Now for the English interpretation:

    You're an idiot. Do you think everyone that goes to College has excellent grammar and spelling skills?

    You're welcome Jame.. It's okay buddy
  19. He can translate noob :O
  20. I am training to become a quantum physicist... I am a nerd brutha