I hire ally's from ppl in the sub clan of my home clan. The ones I see active in last couple hrs and if they match the stats and price. I will hire those ppl as my ally.
Do you know anything about IP? You can't just reset your IP unless you're willing to go out and get a new wifi system and a whole new laptop.
Says the one bypassing and flaming a thread for the sake of a few giggles. Is it getting too hard to pleasure yourself?
I am done here. You've been reported to Drgnblade, and have officially pushed me too far. I hope you crash your car into a baby bunny. Then I hope that bunny becomes a zombie bunny, eats your family, then pushes you off a cliff while eating your balls off.
I look for people in WC asking for a volley... Speakin of.. I have allies that need to be sold that have been active within the past 7 days.... An I need 25B...... KaWry on.