Where do YOU look for allies?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___ThE___sIcKnEsS__iNsIdE_uS__, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Now that is a good idea...
  2. I found a good ally trader. Do almost all my shopping from him
  3. I hire ally's from ppl in the sub clan of my home clan. The ones I see active in last couple hrs and if they match the stats and price. I will hire those ppl as my ally.
  4. Changeyourname... Incoming forum ban?
  5. Fail troll is failing. If you'd like to grow some balls and post with a main, then go right ahead.
  6. Lol I hope the admins forum ban your IP
  7. Do you know anything about IP? You can't just reset your IP unless you're willing to go out and get a new wifi system and a whole new laptop.
  8. Says the one bypassing and flaming a thread for the sake of a few giggles. Is it getting too hard to pleasure yourself?
  9. Changeyourname, you belong in the slums..and that's putting it nicely
  10. Strip targets - screw BFA, can't hold trillions in allies when you're takin' hits everyday.

  11. I am done here. You've been reported to Drgnblade, and have officially pushed me too far. I hope you crash your car into a baby bunny. Then I hope that bunny becomes a zombie bunny, eats your family, then pushes you off a cliff while eating your balls off.
  12. Lol omega idk that feel...
  13. Dude what balls? XD
  14. 1. Look thru clan ads
    2. Size value your wanting most likely ebs
    3. History
    4. Stats and price
  15. Clan ads thru world chat 
  16. targets allies list.

    where else?
  17. I look for people in WC asking for a volley...

    Speakin of..

    I have allies that need to be sold that have been active within the past 7 days....

    An I need 25B......

    KaWry on.
  18. Hulk....Who the **** you talking to? 0.0