Nice comeback, you spend you're time on a forum of a tap tap game, because you think you have friends there? Lol well done
Was a cool day, September 28, 2010. The trees were dancing in the wind. Student bustling about. I sat bored waiting on class to start.... searched App Store for a game and this popped up. It's been ruining my life ever since.
A few years ago .. smoking a blunt with a bud and he was playing. I asked him what the heck he was doing. Since then I have a couple accounts and got a few others interested in kaw. But since I started I've seen a hole bunch go inactive .
I was like 14 and barely got my first actual android, was surfing the apps and found some mafia wars thing, and kaw was on the suggested apps. Downloaded both, this one just stuck.
I played TapFish, had actually breeded pretty fish but they so damn hungry. And to get free food blocks for the fish (that lasted longer then a few hours) you could download a game... that was kaw. All my fish died within 2 weeks after I downloaded kaw. I never played tapfish again coz I was totally addicted by kaw. poor fish lol