Where did you find out about KaW?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jackson, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. I found it, flogging my dolphin on the crapper, scratched on a bathroom wall of a New Orleans bordello. At first I thought it was serious, then I discovered it was a joke.
  2. Your moms basement
  3. Re: Where did you find about KaW

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. Found out about it from pimd 
  5. App Store over 6 Years ago
  6. Nice 3yr achivement gurl :3
  7. Ain't my original account "boi :3"
  8. Ohhh sure. I believe you gurl :p
  9. Sigh. Another Roni know it all wannabe.
  10. Not really. You just get triggered so easily it's hilarious. Can't handle banter..
  11. Totally triggered rn
  12. Ik you are. Kthnxbai
  13. Yo did you know, that on this game you can have multiple accounts? Crazy right?
  14. Yeah.. I know she's not lying but I was just referring to all the noobs who say they lost their acc with a 7yr badge or something, lol.
  15. Naw shut up
  16. App store w my first ipad :')

    Multiple accounts, noob years, and life that was lived, i am still here.
  17. Saw my cousin playing then I got interested.
  18. Came over from one of the Storm8 games after someone posted about a new and great game. The rest is history
  19. That horrible horrible KAW conquest on like mochigames or something like that. You could do like 60% of the normal functions of KAW and it got me interested in the real thing. Been periodically ever since