When's your KaWiversary?

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by seth73, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Exactly, noob. So don't fuxk with me, Roshi.
  2. June 2somthinith
  3. Beginning of febuary
  4. Jan 17 (I think) for forums. Maybe a few days before for game. Don't remember xD
  5. 1 day off. Jan 16 for forum.
  6. Late november-ish. I joined a few days before my birthday.
  7. Idk, early june
  8. Mine was sept 13. I think.... Or 20th
  9. Late December. :3
  10. Downloaded the app around ummm in November...? Then opened forums in.... November? Lolz, click my blue name to see the forum date cuz I'm a tired and lazy guy ATM.

  11. It already passed.
  12. September 22, I joined on an iPod touch that I no longer have.
  13. June 15, been playing for 5 months!
  14. Already passed
  15. Wow, I don't know...let me see how long I've been here...
  16. Ya I'm over a year too...
  17. May 29th it is the most important date of my life