when will the world end?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -grizzy-, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. Black holes can't be seen and there is people saying black holes can't even exist.
  2. It will end... When your Nan farts
  3. A black hole is a super dense object, and because of this anything that goes near it gets sucked in by its gravity. What's on the the other side of a black hole? Nothing, it is a single floating object, you would simply become a single dot, and a part of the black hole
  4. Well Obama got elected and it hasn't ended yet... Idk what else could trigger the end.
  6. Okay I got a question, what if we are a galaxy that's currently in a black hole right now? We could still be a single dot compared to the vastness of the universe maybe even smaller than a dot. Nothing stops short, there has to be an opposite end of a black hole, cause if there isn't, then how do we still see things in space when they should be already gone? And if black holes don't exist, I feel like the universe would be too cluttered and dense
  7. A black hole isn't a hole, so there is no opposite end :) and the 'being in a black hole' thingy is basicly the multiverse hypothesis, right? :D
  8. I'll answer this one at a time:

    You're saying we may be living on/in on of these dots. Let me put this into comparison for you. A neutron star is when an atom is ripped down to just neutrons, creating a single large atom. But what make up neutrons? Quarks. When an atom is stripped down to quarks and forms, that is a black hole. You are saying that we may live in/on one of these. This is incomparably small, especially noting how we are made up of millions of cells, which we can't see with the naked eye, which are then made of millions of atoms each, last thing I heard was they had made a microscope powerful enough to GLIMPSE an atom. Imagine how small that must be. Then you have quarks; which are EVEN SMALLER!!! A quark compared to you, is probably like you compared to the universe (and don't get into quantum mechanics on me).

    Onto the next one, there should be another end to a black hole. I hope I answered this with my last answer, but just for you: black holes are super dense objects, not doorways to another place. You know when you get a baked bean and you squash it, does it come out somewhere else? No. It is simply squashed. Now magnify that onto a gargantuan scale, the baked bean is still crushed, just a lot more! And you are right about black holes having to exist, because when a star collapses into a white dwarf, a neutron star, etc. When a humongous star collapses (that makes even the largest observable star look tiny) it will be pulling on itself so much that it would be ripped to shreds by its own gravity, to a miniscule level, like a million universes divided into humans.

    Also yes, they are like the garbage men of the universe; holding all the galaxies together and keeping it clean. I hope everyone that read this learned something.

  9. So what would you describe a black hole? If that's the case, I would describe it as a large funnel and turns into a narrow tunnel. The multiverse theory hypothesis makes sense if you think of them as parallel to each other going north to south but underneath universes are parallel easy to west.

    Think of it as the tic-tac-toe lines but stacked, and the black holes connect each level to each other
  10. @levanny that makes sense, but what bothers me is that, black holes cannot just have that one single job of being destroyers of the universe. There has to be other reason, another objective for their destructive madness.
  11. "Wherever SLAKING live, rings of over a yard in diameter appear in grassy fields. They are made by the POKéMON as it eats all the grass within reach while lying prone on the ground."
    Switch Slaking for black hole, field for universe and Pokemon for black hole. They do it because of Physics. Imagine a gravity of 1n/kg. As you move farther and farther away, a weight gets lighter and lighter. However, as long as the gravity is strong enough it will always go towards the centre of that gravity. Now imagine that gravity is say... 1 000 000N/kg it would have a much bigger radius. Now a black hole, it absorbs things because of its gravity being so great! It can't help it. It's like trying to tell someone to stay still to the last atom. IT'S SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE!!! Remember that these were once the biggest stars, they've just been made tiny (I reckon around the size of your head) and they still weigh the same. Imagine how big the gravity is. Try and stop gravity!

  12. Haha. Better ask the illuminati mate.
  13. People say the big bang came about with a black hole.
  14. their new inter galatic phones will put apple to shame