Still an interesting read no matter if its fake. Was wondering if the pulse emitted from a black hole recently had anything to do with it.
The message seems highly unlikely to be real. What are the odds that a civilization is capable of creating a vocal communication method entirely identical to ours? Like 1 in infinity. It's (basically) not possible.
IF this is true I want to say maybe this a paradox of a signal traveling through a wormhole from a parallel universe And I also have a question, what comes after a black hole? Another universe? They have to end somewhere
I think Season 7, Definitely S8 will cause the end of all we know it. Just look back at all the bat crap crazy stuff that happened during last season. ATA is a Cthulhu front. Where is my foil hat and jock strap?!!?
From what I understand of what scientists understand, blacks holes either 1) are infinite, 2) allow matter to slowly somehow escape over billions of years, 3) are connected to a "white hole" (though there is no proof of any existing) that spew out what it sucks in, and/or 4) will eventually turn into a "white hole".
Everything that goes into a black hole gets crushed into a tiny point at the center called a "singularity", a one-dimensional point which contains infinite mass in an infinitely small space, where gravity becomes infinite and space-time curves infinitely, and where the laws of physics as we know them cease to operate. Apparently so based on that a wormhole can't exist through a black hole.
That's totally wrong. There's a couple more safety measures than a button that could accidentally be pressed.
I did an assignment on the universe's expansion in grade 11 - not sure if this qualifies me to talk about this - but I spent some time on it. But the universe is going to experience a "Big Freeze". It's hard to explain, but it's found that empty space contains energy. This energy is called "Dark energy" which creates a very weak repelling force between objects. In short distances, Gravity is stronger than dark energy, so it is not noticeable. However, in very large distances, such as between the universe's edges, the universe is moving apart from itself faster than the speed of light, and is accelerating. A few billion years ago, the expansion was slowing down, and the universe was set to collapse in on itself. However, at a certain point, it began accelerating away from itself, most likely due to dark energy. We have no idea what dark energy is, but we know is that it is a physical force in the universe that's causing it to expand away from itself. Note: dark energy is different than dark matter. Dark matter is physical force in the universe which adds gravity. Without dark matter, our solar system would fall apart.
The big freeze is if I'm right basically when the universe runs out of energy to grow all stars will burn out everything will die even black holes won't exist at this point and we will have a dead universe.
The Earth will end when it ceases to exist. Everything else here is extras. When will humanity end is a different question. If we don't expand beyond the Earth the answer is when the Earth becomes uninhabitable, either through natural occurrences or man made ones. If we finally take ourselves seriously and begin expanding intergalactically then humanities extinction will be in am entirely new league.
The word infinite is used very easily, and sometimes as an answer to what we don't know (not saying this to you). How do scientists know that? I was watching the movie interstellar and all these thoughts flooded my head. Wouldn't it be ground breaking to send a probe into a black hole to see what happens? What if we are mistaking black holes and they are actually wormholes? No light escapes a black hole so what if the light speeds out the opposite end of the black hole which we can't see?