When will the devs admit they killed the drops???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MONSTERCORE, May 24, 2013.

  1. Enchantments massively failing too.
  2. I've had 2 enchantment fails in total. First time it only dropped one level, second time it was first enchantment so didn't change.
  3. Didnt get a drop on ToC unlocking wtf devs
  4. Gungun, read the other posts. Pots aren't dropping on FOD and TGL for specific clans. Clearly a bug.
  5. Shhhh... Don't anger the devs  lol but I personally haven't had items or inferno/aqua drop for me in about a month and a half
  6. I did TGL and had 4 actions. It was an unlock so I should have gotten at least 3 equipment and about 50 bronze bars. KaW your game sucks. You can say goodbye to all the crystals I buy. The drops suck.
  7. Quit complaining about drop there the same _(._.)_smh
  8. Lmfao 
  9. It's true. Also in my cold calling I had 11 actions and didn't even get any bars. I'm keeping my money. Ill spend my mommies money on a better game!
  10. Lmao. Just reading this thread and all the butthurt.
  11. Aspirin suppository on the Costco shopping list for the butt hurt?
  12. Inferno and aqua are barely dropping at all for my clan. Usually only 1 set of each every time we do an eb that drops them, at best.
  13. I firmly believe the developers have done nothing to change the drop mechanics of any items or aqua, inferno. Rarity should be expected.
  14. No buthurt no response no desire. That's what this game has come down to. Devs don't give a crap about their customers we all know that unless your s top ranked lb player. They have tweaked drops and increased difficulty of ebs not in the interest of making better gameplay but in the interest of lining their pockets. I get that it is a business. But a business with no response to customer inquiry is a bad business. Good luck to everyone. And don't forget the lube.
  15. I ran 46 NMLs before I got my leonine armplate it was horrible
  16. Who I sense op is a noob :roll:
    Off forums drop rate hasn't be lowered and unlocks doesn't give u more chance of getting drops that epic and nml are and always will be a low drop rate just quit ur crying and get back to being a eb noob :roll:
  17. Op,Your argument is invalid.As of Last TGL my clan did multiple people got inferno and bows.(2 with Aqua)It's just luck and it's random,You could be hitting someone/Eb instead of writing this.
  18. Getting bored with chasing equip drops now. Will I ever be ready for war? I aint warring naked. Or, is it because I purchased all the propaks that I'm not getting equip drops?
  19. I have seen a lot of good drops doing b2b FOD..maybe its the EB's clans are running? Idk I've done well
  20. Devs told us all they wanted to promote clan unity with the release of ebs. Sure that worked maybe for the first week. Then they rolled out EE and said it was to promote clan unity. But as of late for whatever reason they HAVE altered drop rates in some clans how wide spread this is we won't know. But I've been at clans that get decent drops and I've been at others that the majority do not have the item an the only drop is inferno to an item holder already.