when to quit paying attention to mp?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Trooper_Thorn, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Buy like. 1T in allies. Never gotta worry about mp again. Lol
  2. Just look at OP, he has towers and claims to be an EB fairy. Plus he doesn't know anything about allies yet he is a decent size.
  3. Ah. Sorry. Forget some of these "help me" posts are trolls.

    Thanks NL ️
  4. Nah lovely, it's not a troll. This is just what happens when people do b2b hte without learning game mechanics
  5. T6 level 3 hfbc hansel needs 50B for mp. Js
  6. I'm worth 650b,super active, and I would like a new owner :)
  7. Allies are only really good for making more gold, via ally sales. However allies can come to haunt you when they get stripped away in osw. Since I spend half my time in osw, I don't really carry much allies, instead concentrate on upgrading. Even with my pathetic bfa, I can still get lots of hits in due to my good bfe and size.
  8. Guys mp plunder around 60b for some builds.. You need to check yo facts
  9. Northlane, you don't know what you are talking about. The dude has less than 3000 losses total and only 85 defense wins.
  10. I don't think it's a troll.. With all the hte out there it doesn't take much time to get that size.. And his towers are worthless.. They are not stopping anybody.

    Plus he is way below mp
  11. Dat 11b in allies won't get you MP
  12. These are the types of threads that actually spread good info.. How can you claim the op is a troll when all these other players on here don't know the answer themselves. There was a lot of mis information here by players that think they know what they are doing..

    Go back and read some of the old threads, many are informative discussion like this one.
  13. Wonder if the change was when they "adjusted" t6 plunder ...

    Either way op is much smaller then I am and 30b will cover him for the time being
  14. 20b was the old cap, I still haven't really checked it properly because I haven't needed to with my allies.
  15. He will need more than 30b I think.. I'm not sure though
  16. Omg really ppl think 20bil will be mp for any build  not a chance in hell I need about 50bil to be at mp and I'm tiny  and the Bf'a from allies is 2% of allies cs.......
  17. If ur main is a big fairy then just buy a damn 100b ally thats statless with a propack. Itll never sale n ull have mp forever
  18. Omg.. Genius!!
  19. ^ that's me without the propack part.
  20. Well mp hasn't moved in so long u would have thought someone would have brought it up .... Just saying 

    Now I need to test some crap ... Towers may effect mp btw had a 30 mill cs towered build test and no plunder change from 40-47 bill