What's The Most Scariest Game You ever Played?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by __Ivander__, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. What's The Most Scariest Game You Ever Played?

    I have known scary games like:
    - sad satan
    - Hotel 626
    - House 1,2
    - Outlast

    Seriously i know less about scary games.
    Please comment below what scariest game u have ever played?
  2. Re: Good Thread Pictures

    I know little scary games..
  3. Re: Good Thread Pictures

    When's this nub gonna get forum banned?
  4. Re: Good Thread Pictures

    Please don't do that
  5. Re: Good Thread Pictures

    Hopefully soon
  6. Re: Good Thread Pictures

    Whats wrong with asking scary games?
  7. Re: Good Thread Pictures

    You were asking for naked pictures before you edited it
  8. Re: Good Thread Pictures

    Yo dude, there's no need to make so many threads in such quick succession. Try waiting a day or two. Or longer..
  9. Hide'n'seek.
  10. Re: Good Thread Pictures

    Ok im sorry, i will try to make everything in one threwad to avoid lots posts
  11. I'm getting that Rubik's cube now.
  12. :lol: I'm literally dying of laughter right now! Lolol
  13. Diablo. The constant hell speak in the background is awful. I seriously think all my grey hair came from that game.
  14. TRY ME And play scary games with me or solve cube together
  15. Aaaaaaaaaand banned.
  16. Outlast almost definitely but I don't play many scary games anyway.

    I also played a kinda detective game from steam once... You look for clues and try to figure out what happened.... It turns out you molested then killed your daughter.. You then kill yourself 

    That wasn't scary.. But pretty messed up with a very unexpected ending 
  17. Detective is not a scary game
  18. Five Nights at Freddy's?

    All of the F.E.A.R games!
  19. Omg!! How could I ever forgot about that?!
    Yes five nights at freddy is top notch best