What's The Best Farm Build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIII-Da_FaRMiNG_MaCHiNE-lIIl, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Lmao, no. Since Vandalise gets to hide behind his oh so very scary spy build, why shouldn't I be allowed to hide behind my alt?
  2. Jdudebend over and get in line stop being a prick
  3. Yes, please, and when I say please I mean it, get rid of this app and go to english class.
  4. Lol that's what all weak stats players say when they get farmed..  until you proof you have an alt.. Then ill believe you other than that your just all talk..
  5. Jdude you bum up to iG ye ******* nonce. Just because someone's in iG doesn't mean there a god mate.
  6. Stop putting your head up there *** and get a grip lmao
  7. I am all talk. That's the point. I'm just trying to fit in with Vandalise. :p
  8. If I was all talk I woudnt have attacked Swabia?
  9. I don't like iG. But I hate bitches. That's why I'm not siding with you. :?
  10. Oh ye, enjoy stripping my allies.

    Looks like I'll just be burning pots for a very longtime 
  11. Please please please post with your main jdude!!!!!!! If you even have one :roll:

    cmon, don't be scared, I won't destroy you too bad
  12. That's a pretty sexy clan you have there. Hope nothing happens to them. :lol:
  13. I was waiting for you to try to act badass and jump in here! Why don't you go try to **** with BH again? You seemed to have gotten scared and left on Xtreme's thread after someone mentioned all of their HLBC players. :lol:
  14. Oh I'll happily leave  you can try and attack me. But remember... I loose nothing heh heh. I'm just one of those annoying cunts that always comes back.
    Anyway having a little joint  then it's sleep time.
    0 defence pots
    0 allies
    0 money out
  15. Umm it's called work and I have a life... I don't sit in forums all day you wanker
  16. Awwwwww. Leaving already? Can't you put up with me for a little longer? :( :( :( :lol:
  17. Are you bragging you have no money and no allies?
  18. I could I just have work son. 5am in the morning. Still 3 hours before your mummy wakes you up for school! 
  19. Not braggin anythin  just stating the fact that I have nothing to loose

    Constantine claimes to have a life! Wonder what's next? Maybe we'll die for the 5th time in December! :eek: