What's The Best Farm Build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IIII-Da_FaRMiNG_MaCHiNE-lIIl, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Jdude don't even know who you are mate
  2. Floppy what does this say?? Cuz I guess you cant read.. That's why you should stay in school.. That's what swabie wrote

  3. This is my point spy builds are for chickens or alts! Wanna be a real farmer go attack and take your beatings like a real man. If you just wanna be a ***** and steal and bank then go spy. Want to be known as a bad ass farmer go Attack and take no prisoners.

    Mj all I see is another person hiding behind spy stats this is just my opinion if you really wanted to be recognised as anything else you would be an attack build
  4. HLBC.. That's what I am (/).-) why do I even bother
  5. Maybe because I prefer being more valuable in a war... I can help others and help win a war more than an attack build can.
  6. Congrats. And Death_Wish, he does. And if you were smart (which you probaby aren't), you would probably know not to **** with Swabia. :roll: :lol:
  7. And why person in a real war do you see telling the enemy there plan lmao?
  8. Because*

    I should stay in school :lol:
  9. i shall farm with my only coe that is after i assassinate till weak enough :)
  10. Maybe because I have nothing to loose? No allies (well ill bank that money's in spy attack pots ) and no defense pots (waste of money)
  11. Well it's just to start with a barn to keep all your hay and straw dry and to put animals in when it's raining. After that you could do with pig pens, chicken coops few fields for cows and sheep. Maybe a stable? You'll want a garage as well to keep your tractors in, if you don't want to put them in the barn.
  12. And jdude stop being a fanboy ye blert lmao
  13. They we go u have nothing to lose! So in my eyes you get no respect from me. Just hiding behind your stats! Anyone can be a spy it's the easy life.
    Want to prove anything then being a attack build is where its at. This is just my opinion but I know many think the same.......
  14. Fanboy? No.
    Smarter than you? Isn't everyone?
  15. Because its a bit of fun lmao. Calm it down ye bunch of blerts.
    I put 0 effort in and waste 24m in defence pots everytime I use my spies . No point wasting my spy attack pots tbh 
    I don't want respect. Tbh I want to be hated lmao. Because I find it funny the way there's always some nonce out there that takes this game seriously
  16. You want to be hated? So did spoonking. Would you like to be next? :lol:
  17. Jdude you have nothing to say with your weak stats.. Your just a joke to me.. There's no way I can take you seriously..
  18. Respect or being hated two of the same things all you are is another pesky spy nothing more.
  19. Hated because I'm annoying in game  all that effort that you put in. All that cash you could use to upgrade is wasted by me loosing nothing and clicking a button. I've never heard of you and you sound like a winnet lmao
  20. It's a game children. Popularity in here's means **** all so don't think that I give a **** aba an iPod app lmao