What's Next?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by 3B_M0NST3R0F3_L0RD, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Buy Dragon feed at the marketplace?
  2. You know you were blitzed and blew on some hot blondes, that you thought were women, at the club. :D :D :D
  3. 1. daily log-in rewards.. which you can only claim after an ad video.
    2. more mithril-spells.
    3. clan-activity focused events.
    4. ranking tags/alias. ex. master spy, warmonger, villain, defense minister, tyrant
    5. increase the duration of plunder bonus from blood rains EBs.
    6. update the troop/spy regen timer. (tones)
    7. equipment variations.
    8. clean/delete the inactive accounts who have cs equal to 1 castle and 10 or lesser buildings
  4. Try to make all active clans to war once per month ready or not cause lots of people don't do EE wars try to do this game fun since it's a war game make every clan war in all kaw do it by levels so all the clans can join war u need to do something si everyone is active in war. An last but not least be able to reset again.
  5. 
  6. Nothing.


    Maybe a new event I suppose.
  7. No, that was bad.
  8. 1: uh, No! Go play PIMD if you want the ads.

    Daily log in would be nice minus the ad BS.

    2: More moth Spells? For what? Be specific.

    3: you got an idea going, but again more specific.

    4: Already been suggested,pretty sure everyone agrees we don't need 50 titles, just a co lead and head admin option.

    5: Disagree imo duration is perfect as is.

    6: now your getting rediculous.

    7: variations are already there, eb equip should never be stronger than war/mith/PvP equip.

    8: system already does that when accounts,non pro pack,go inactive for more than 90days
  9. Sorry big money, but thanks to devs there are two different playing styles now. Pve and PvP you force players to war or do something they don't want then they will not play or pay.
  10. What a very clever way of blocking suggestions. Op, do you really want something new or you just want something to debate about?
  11. Realistic suggestions with some sort of detail. Preferrably posted with a main.

    Not shooting down anything you said, critiquing your ideas and asking for more details.
  12. Bonus Plunder % along with Xtal - this will increase Xtal usage further - dev win , players win.
    Bonus plunder % equipment : similar to pvp trinklet, but this would be for EB.
  13. I have added some of these suggestions to the main body. Keep them coming, if you see things already suggested but have a better description or more detailed description, post it and I'll add it to the list, don't just repeat what others have already said. Give some specifics tell us how and why or the benefits from it.
  14. One suggestion I am seeing in a lot of threads, is to actually have a DEV to step forward and speak to us instead of a spokesperson who may or may not forward our suggestions on.
  15. I will name my dragon the mighty...................….............................................................................................................................................................................................................................FLUFFY

  16. The suspense was killing me
  17. The answer to that is, b2b events 
  18. I think next top tier eb will come out
  19. Good thing i posted the rest before u died