support. Great thread and well thought through and researched. Serious questions raised. Kind of puts it all n perspective.
Great thread, OP, good summary of changes so far. Although we should also mention the now-permanent 50% discount on lowland buildings, does help a little for new player growth. Other than that it's a litany of "feed the Apes" changes. Obviously when the Apes tell us they're working on something "new" what they mean is that they're working on "new" ways to extract cash from a shrinking player base. Like how pvp-blitz originated from the community, ATA cash in from xtal sales and pvp spells, but essentially it detracts from more lucrative circle and seal sales; which is undoubtably why Circle Of Flames is only run at the weekend so blitz doesn't cannibalise their revenue. Which is why there will only ever be PVE innovations and we'll never have a community-wide pure-pvp bash for community rewards based on targets. Shame.
Complete and utter support. Also, food for thought - In this past year, we've had maybe 3-5 new game designers shuffle in kaw, to try and sort this mess. Yet, we continue on the same path. Moral of the story, ATA is focusing their resources on newer and higher profit yielding products. While kaw sits on the back burner, with a new event in the horizon every new full moon.
Great thread. Support. It's a shame to see such little change in the last year. And last few years as well.
Nice thread, seems like a fairly accurate perception of updates & some good suggestions for the future, i hope the devs are starting to get the point here atleast.
There are countless things that the devs could do to improve the game. The player base has established hundreds of decent ideas for consideration and I feel that these are rarely seriously considered by the devs. An Idea I have that has surely been posted many times on the forums before(But I cannot be bothered to search for it :lol: ) is to increase the new player starting bonus. As it is, when a new player joins kaw they may see the leaderboard/build complete stats and realize that without selling their house they will not reach that before the game dies. This is leading to an ever shrinking player base. I think that when you begin you should get: 1) A full set of weak equipment. Yes of course it cannot be high stats but just a little something to get them going. 2) 12-24 highlands, this is debatable but honestly the highland stats are relatively pointless as you increase to higher levels and in order to give them the boost they need at the start they should be given more resources to reach Abyss and OR in a timely manner. 3) More starting potions should be given. To assist in hitting those larger epics as more and more clans running small epics consist only of alts. 4) A message from the devs with links to the top forum guides on starting kaw. And yes I mean a link because if you are totally new and devs just say join a clan and visit forums woo hoo! Then you will most likely be confused and join a noob clan doing warbeasts and then four days from then you will uninstall kaw and download flappy bird. 5) I think that highland building prices should be slashed to half, and that hoarfrost prices should be slashed to 70% what they are now. These stats and plunder bonuses are again not as relevant. As unless you're a small war build, you have probably established yourself well in abyss and OR and the majority of your plunder comes from those two. 6) And finally, just give them a chance. Don't let kaw die out. Seek ways that will grow the player base and not your wallet. Because if you focus on the customer experience and growing your customer base, your wallet filling fest shall follow. Thanks, hope it made some semblance of sense . Tldr: grow the player base by making it easier for new players.