What's going on here?!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rikkimaru, Jun 11, 2016.

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  1. I get you no enlighten me what exactly has lord rikkamaru contributed to forums? I'll be waiting.
  2. I tink thet is bull-E-eng! U culd go 2 jell !
  3. Wattz is just a bully, it's ok You're not dumb I love you
  4. Your intelligence is astoundingly low. How could one hit back with 0 chance of success? That's not hitting back that's fail bombing. Obviously those at CR haven't taught you enough to understand such complex mechanics such as the stat differential.
  5. I love when people try really hard to sound smart
  6. Ugh all you do is pretend to be good and we all know Roni is far superior to you.
  7. Have I hit you? No I haven't you're irrelevant in that sense to me I just wondered why in the op you're talking about incoming when you won't hit back anyway.

  8. Do you even think before you speak?

    I do return, ask Todd, he and I had a little bit of back and forward. Till we were both bored and moved on.
  9. Rikki you're such a cry baby
  10. Lmao hitting Todd isn't an accomplishment
  11. Its actually impossible to speak on here i could type obviously in each case it would again be impossible to do without thinking.
  12. It's an accomplishment to him because he's never accomplished anything else in his life... Minus the fact he's clearly a forum god here to save us from our sins

  13. Says the guy who is apart of an alliance that cant even win with a 4 to 1 odds.

    ApocDGAF has 2100-2200 "members" in the alliance while ZAFT/Fury/Invictus has closer to 500 members.* It is truly quite pitiful that Apoc and WDGAF cant beat down these 3 Groups of fighters.

    *Based of clan rosters

    // @ Purple, Put some damn stats on and stop being a statless alt.
  14. I've had my fun for the day I'll leave you to it cya.
  15. Thanks to those who joined my experiment, went exactly as I thought. Stupidity promoting stupidity, while threads that have a point and clear content, as well as relativity to current events/game related, has revealed the current status of forums. Bait will forever be taken, while something which could be helpful, or even make you see things in a different light get shunned away to the bottom of active never to be seen again.

    Good job people, you did exactly what I expected.
  16. It's funny because she isn't even an alt
  17. Jokes on you I'm not a statless alt nor do I care about the games actual game play sooooo
  18. Worse. Statless and still talks doo doo
  19. This can be locked now. I got my results, as bad as they are.
  20. I'm so mad I was literally going to say inb4 he calls it an experiment like ten post ago and change my mind but HAHAHAHA this is so embarrassing
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