What's going on, ATA?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Stosrider, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. There's some good points here but this thread is otherwise crap.
  2. Lies. All lies. Happened last year, including your absurd wc campaign for moderator. But. Hey, if it makes you feel better to try and save face by lying, go ahead. Your dishonesty is your problem. Not mine. Any ither fiction you wish to share with the community?
  3. @Clevv

    Why you gotta be so rude
  4. I've encountered no bugs...

    Is this really a problem?
    Im on PC and iPod
  5. Is rude to mods. Wonders why mods are rude back 
  6. Someone smart standing up to the devs and stating the true facts and adjustments that needs to be changed! Well said op
  7. Aaaaaand he's not done! He's never done! 
  8. Exaggerate much?
  9. Wasn't moose and mod in mare together? Or am I thinking of a different mod

  10. Spot on well said
  11. With this comment,mand the fact he things KaW has a million bugs, we've seen that when ModClevv isn't outright lying, he will exaggerate,mas the need suits him.
  12. Yea....... I knew him there too. Sigh.......
  13. I'm not tool who said he was "done responding to me" 
  14. I wonder, when at the end of this, we establish which one of you can piss farther.
  15. Are we gunna do votes?
  16. It's moose by a splash at the moment

  18. Did you truly expect to type a 3 page email and get a detailed response to every concern or idea you put forth? Thats ludicrous, maybe try a shorter version, compact your email into a few paragraphs lol
  19. I'm starting to hate the new quoting option.. Why did the devs listen to us and give us this update :
  20. No support