What's going on, ATA?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Stosrider, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. I think the mods do a good job. If you don't like how they spoke to you then farm them. Remember they are players too and banter is part of the game. If you can't hit them or don't want pvp then shut your mouth because you are a chump.

    Mods get stripped and farmed all the time by disgruntled players, they have to put up with a lot crap. Especially whining noobs...

    I break their balls in WC because I know a few, I would expect them to fire back like any normal player.
  2. If I had to go through my day with people constantly complaining about the stupid ass things that I have seen people complain about on this game, I would be rude as hell. I wouldn't have the patience to be a mod or ATA support. I have ripped them before in emails an in public channels but overall they do a good job dealing with a lot of grief
  3. This is the dirtylarry I like
  4. You coming back off of a long inactivity and ranting about ATA, without knowledge of recent game changes, has nothing to do with the rejection of your mod application? You sound like immigration-Cheese and his recent nervous breakdown...
  5. I can read between the lines
  6. Right there. In the heart

  7. You did choose the username "Mod"Cleavage so it's kinda obvious being a mod was important to you
  8. Yes ModClevv, you do indeed know very little.
    Lets go over a few things......

    1. Marvin is correct. ATA has its own adgenda, its its community oriented, not ModClevv oriented
    2. Support gets hundreds of emails a day. Your 3.5 page dissertation was probably well written, but was skimmed over due to the fact you have verbal diahreah
    3. They told you to post your suggestions in forum, which is the appropoorte place for community suggestions. Ideas here are reviewed by the public, and if they are worthy, the threads are flagged for developer review
    4. Supoort deals with player accounts. Concerns and suggestions for the game at large fall to developers to deal with, not supoort.
    My iPad works just fine, so does it iPhone. I purposely have the latest, as well as a older ops version so I can offer quality feedback to development. Other beta testers do the same. Your assessment of the bugs in kingdoms at war is grossly overstated, although the current bugs are being worked on. (I know. I was discussing some of those bugs ATA several days prior) Also, I swear to you (solemnly raises one hoof above head) we don't have MILLIONS of bugs.
    Again, that mod in question was being heckled. Generally, I take the piss out of hecklers, as that entertains me. As moderstors, we are friendly and engaging, but we are under no obligation to take abuse from people,mand we won't.
    Again, your profound ignorance is in display
    Have you even bothered to review forums? Look.mwe have
    1. A darker background
    2. Visible post count
    3. The ability to edit posts
    4. A quote button

    So, have I ever seen a change that doesn't relate to new buildings or promos? Yes. Question answered.

    I live in forum. I've seen people ask for things like incentivized PvP. I've never ever hear anyine say "I'm bride with my interface and stuff. Make it different please"
    ATA is diversifying their game experience.
    Meego village is absolutely Unlike KaW
    Perfect drift is also different than KaW and Meego village
    And smash is utterly unique. So, if you're worried about ATAs programming ideas, they are still innovating in Vancouver, even if your ignorant of that fact.
    Developers read forums, even if they don't reply to everyone's remember,developer time is incredibly tight. They are busy, so, they will read forums and talk to moderators, but,generally, development doesn't have time to respond to evey player who is hired with they way their display looks.
    As for you being lost about support,mthsts no suprized so I'll boil things down for you.....
    Support deals with ToU issues. Silences, account transfers and the like
    Developers deal with updates to the game,new content, and promos.
    Support is not development, no matter how much you wish it was, and development uses forums and moderators, as well as a hand full of others, to determine what direction this app needs to move forward with. I'm sorry you aren't a community representitive, but,after reading your drivel, I can see why you aren't. You weren't even aware if the most recent forum updates even though you're Currentky using forums, and you're supoosed to be the fountain of knowledge that the devs need to turn to I order to turn around a game that isn't even failing?
    The kingdoms a at war community is great. It is vibrant, it is clever, and its fine. The problem is with YOU. not everyone around you.
    Aaaaaand that's your problem. You don't care any more. You just come in here and place your ignorance on display by stating that our updates are no good,mwhen you're not even aware of our updates.
    You then give half the story about a moderators action in wc, showing your bias and willingness to distort a story to try and make a point.
    Finally, you insult the community by stating that we are disrespectful. Well yea, attack us. And you'll see our disrespectful side, and most of us, weather moderstors or not, won't apologize.
  9. You didn't have to quote all that, mate.

  10. So this isn't the first game you wanted to moderate.. I'm sure it's not the first game that rejected too
  11. First of all it might be because I'm on iOS but I do t really see many bugs as of lately so which ones are we talking about? As far as mod players farm the mod idiots bug the mod for everything and anyone who ever been silenced treats them like crap so fact some aren't so nice isn't a shocker their job is meant to force ppl to follow tou and help ppl out that ask (and aren't trying to just troll them) as far as all the stuff they keep adding to the game I wish they would slow the hell down.
  12. All this quoting makes scrolling require some effort. Honestly, I don't see or experience any bugs. The game runs smoothly for me. Also, I just think OP is a little mad cause the game isn't the way he wants it to be. So, get over it.
  13. But you did respond. I was there when you did. You responded, then proceeded to fail in spectacular fashion. I was there too, watching you beg for people in wc to feedback your name for mod. Gawd. That was uncomfortable to watch 
    How'd that work out for you little buddy?
  14. Maybe if you showed a bit more mod cleavage you would have gotten more support
  15. ^doesn't it though
  16. OP brings up a good few points to discuss. When was the last time we've seen a player idea implemented into the game?

    In regards to this thread, I think the quotations of another players remark are slightly over-exaggerated in use now. If they extend beyond a certain length, I do not read them, and I am sure other players don't either. Do not get me started on quoting a quote. What happened to normal conversations? You know, where you initiate your response starting with the persons name.
  17. Why do u people bothering emailing them still? Have you not figured out u don't matter???
  18. How did you get your mod position again moose? Ha.