What's going on, ATA?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Stosrider, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Dude, I'm not the one who can't express their opinion.
    You're the one bad with words, "ohk"?
  2. I don't have to express my ******* opinion kid. Even OP said that. So shut your trap. I don't give 2 cents what ATA thinks/wants/does nor the members, I was over this game ages ago, I'm only here to talk to friends that live around the world. So shove your opinions up your ass :)
  3. Why are you getting so hostile?
    You just laugh at op with a single sentence and expect move on?
    That's fine.
    But now you're sparking argument, atleast do it in a professional manner, oaf ;)

  4. It most likely is going directly into someone's personal account. According to thinkgaming.com, KaW rakes in 17,000$ a day. Yet, we see little development to KaW at all.

    The two top grossing games today are Clash and GoW. GoW strikingly takes everything from KaW, to the point it could me infringing on KaW's design. Yet it is making over 1 million dollars a day.

  5. Yes, ATA has to pay all of its employees. Also, the light bill. Server providers.. Internet bill. Maintenance. All that good stuff.

    Let me tell you a thing about GoW and KaW

    These are two entirely different games. So different, I laughed at you saying they are grossing more.

    GoW has no spending limit. You want to get big? Buy the 100$ packs over and over. I've played it. I know people who buy 5 at a time. The only way to get anything done in that game is to spend or know a spender to save you.
  6. C'mon Pookie, lets burn this mother down!
  7. Tooo long, didn't read lol :lol:
  8. Im serious when i say i think devs r milking us then sending us to pasture
  9. Support and agree 
  10. People are way too harsh on ata. They are actually pretty good devs compared to most games I have seen and people complain that all they want is money but they need to have money to live on considering that this is their job. Plus you don't have to buy anything if you don't wan to considering it is free to download and play.

    The game is pretty good compared to most games, that's why you are here.

    (Btw this is not aimed at op and the post as I know that the games bugs need to be fixed or it will be unplayable, it is aimed at comments I have seen in this post and others).
  11. I agree with the op for the most part. In the last while, it seems to me that most of the changes in the game are meant to lean towards enticing players to spend money on an imaginary game.
    I used to spend money on the game, hundreds of dollars to get HLBC, but all of a sudden, they changed the dynamics and builds for the highlands, totally flushing all that money down the drain.
    I for one, haven't given them a penny since.
    And yes, I agree with op that when you email devs, they find every excuse in the book to brush you off.
  12. Moderators....... I know some are real jerks, not mentioning any names (cough moose cough) but others are cool, just like anywhere, there's good people and there's bad people.
    My solution.... Stay off world chat!!!! There's nothing but ads anyways. In my kaweer, there's only two mods I've HAD to talk to, belle, cause I was in her clan, which I chose to leave, and Hero, cause he was my bud before he became a mod. And if you don't think he cares about people in the game, your highly mistaken!!!! If you only knew the circumstances from which we met!!!!
  13. Why do people cry so much about a free to play game? If you don't like it, leave.
  14. I agree completely, especially when it comes to moderators.

    I recent made a forum thread titled "#WillyForMod"

    I did not make this thread because I'm some fan boy, but he is very friendly and active, and knows when maturity is required, and that's why I made that suggestion.

    Moderators are there to help the community and enforce the rules and guidelines of KaW. No one is obligated to be nice, but it certainly makes a good impression and helps small players stay with the game. After all, who wants to be bullied? Not me. Especially not by those with power.
  15. As a moderator, I'm here to help the community. To that end,mi do what I can. I run games when I'm able, (with xtal prizes) play trivia, post discussion threads, and take communtiy ideas straight to the developers.

    When approached in a friendly and engaging manner, I will reply in kind. When approached with rudeness, I will also reply in kind. You set from me what you bring to me.

    So people think I'm terrible? Maybe, but I kill spam and dint apologize for it, and I feel no reason to reply to rudeness with jellybeans and unicorn farts.

    As to your remark that hero made in wc, he was heckled. I find it amazing that you think mods should be robots who should take rudeness and Insults with a smile and a wink. Get over your self. You should know better. After all, you applied for the very spot you are now criticizing. Yes, I can talk about this because you waged your own wc campaign to drum up support.

    Seeing your lousy attitude in this thread shows that you fall far short of the very criteria you are holding the moderation team too.

    As for the bugs on KaW, your assessment is grossly exaggerated. We have a cabal if beta players that help the community iron these things out in a timely fashion. My iPad works great. Same for my iPhone :-)

    Anyhow, have a nice day. Hope I've replied to your opening post adequately
  16. Marvin is a beast dude. He got me out of perm silence. Don't hate on Marvin. #NoHateOnMarvin !!
  17. Moose blocked me long ago because I informed him that in real life, wild moose smell really bad, like pee to be exact, rancid pee.
    This hurt his feelings!!!!
  18. You are a fanboy
  19. [​IMG]
    Well, I read the first part.
  20. Yes Larry, I'm a #WillyForLadyBoyFanBoy2k14