what's a way to farm a pure spy?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RR-immort2, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Willy and jaskel are right.
    Decided to look through comments.
  2. Don't take ZE-rocks advice. He surrenders in 10 seconds. As soon as you yet inc steals instantly attack the spy. Most spies don't bank Gold each hit, they bank after each series of hits. It's possible to get a few hits in before they bank. You gotta be quick tho 
  3. Farming a pure spy is like try to arouse yourself by stroking a cucumber .. However hard u work .. The cucumber don't give a damn!!

    And chances r u will a 4 plauers to pin 1 spy
  4. Farm their clanmates and friends.
  5. I love my spies xD
  6. To take out pure spies is hard if you dont xsalt. Because of there huge spy stats you can waste a whole bar of spies scouting and not even bring them down half a bar. If you have a spy alt( most ppl do) use it. Also spy defence towers do help alot when fighting pure spies. Its harder for them to burn pots because of the enormous defence you have, and if they fail they will lose more spies then you lose.


    You can put them on ca and watch them cry :)
  7. Attack obviously :roll: