
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kezzer, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. I have made threads before fyi
  2. My apologies, I wasn't aware I wasn't allowed to make a joke. We don't all have the same sense of humors through, as you just pointed out :)

    Wasn't trying to offend you or anything Kezzer, I know it's a joke thread.
  3. dod u now?
  4. Not offended and yes I dod
  5. So how would you explain this? Just looks like sarcasm to me don't see any joke.
  6. It was sarcasm. But I did not mean it to be taken seriously. I actually had a chuckle at the thread. I didn't really mean it to be an attack on the thread. I apologize that it came across that way. 

  7. Fixed
  8. I doubt "nerds" find "outside" interesting.
  9. Outdoor Nerds.
  10. ^ those are called bird watchers
  12. Lol weird but funny story
  13. Nothing wrong with being tied up every now and then