what you would like to see from devs next

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SaDiStIC-KilLa-_LoCkIe_-BeAr, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. Sorry but a big fat no support to buying seals with gold though they most definitely should be permanetly reduced in price but my reasons for No to buying with in game gold are simple 1) development need to make money after all it's a profit making business otherwise why in the hell run the game also they need to pay for staff etc and 2) it would encourage every single clan outhere to resort to running bots to buy seals from an we don't want or need that.
  2. Ryder and nohah unless your actually going to use that ass you call a brain and contribute something stay off this thread that goes to anyone who wants to post stupidity go post elsewhere I'm actually trying to get a serious player discussion going an cultivate idea's that hopefully devs have a look at... can't let some go anywhere.
  3. i totally agree with you on the coding.
    and i dont doubt the coding could be expensive, but its not that kind of expensive.

    they have the means to create 2 new games from the profits of kaw, but not enough to enhance the game generating the all the funds to create more games.
  4. Well there supposed to be game makers so surely they can make kaw anything they choose we just need to make enough noise to make em see it's financial gain for them
  5. Bumped in the hope that some of kaws vets may grace this thread with there input an what they would like back maybe from the good ole days.
  6. Their furrari that they just bought with the animus box $ 

    Lol jk. Sorry I don't have time to put a real idea down. Great post @OP
  7. Not much more you can add to this game.
  8. I totally agree.

  9. Support
  10. What... More lands and buildings?? More ebs??
    Maybe a war tournament that gives the winners a months worth of free seals?? I did see some goo ideas here and there but those should be put in form of an email and sent to devs.
  11. Sell building tokens and golden chests on black Friday
  12. no thanks. id rather not email my ideas to their trash bins.

    for technical/account assistance, then yes, ill email The support department.

    unfortunately the actual developers job discription doesnt include reading thousands of kawers ranty ass emails.

    anything else?