What will you remember most from KaW?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MovesLikeJagger, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. I'll remember the sleepless nights tracking and stripping.

    Good times.

    And no, I don't mean the new automated tracking. I mean old school tracking a strip target for active times. I'll miss the hunt. And the thrill of a successful (and even unsuccessful) strip.
  2. Oli! 
  3. Op is a chick!?
  4. I will remember all the osw. And all the forum posts made that were way too fun to troll. And of course all the friends I've made. Many of them enemies at one point.

    But mostly I remember when this game wasn't completely pay to play.
  5. i remembered plunder wars and osf.
  6. My wife
  7. Your mum.
  8. Are you the same trouble maker here I remember from 2010-2012?
  9. Trouble? Where!
  10. I'll remember most when I was recruited to Foxes and the great family structure they had there. The wars fought against another truly indomitable family in iG and the great friends I made from there thereafter. I'll remember my friend and mentor, lancelotdulac who left this world too early. I'll remember in my long tenure in this ever changing game, that it's not the epic battles killed or clan wars fought, it's the people behind every facet that make things happen. Everyone here lives to their in game persona. But, I and I think most everyone would agree, that most here are kind folk despite their assumed attitude. The social aspect of this game breeds true contact and it is it's saving grace. Some of the best friends I've had the pleasure to meet here are now RL friends.
  11. I'll remember when I created my own clan and all the wonderful people that tried to help me grow it. I'll remember when it died and I had to send out all my actives to other clans so that they would continue to grow. But mostly, when my friends Twicc and Sadie called me back from retirement to give it another try.
  12. When I went on vacation and Cella passed Chongo on the leaderboard. I came back 5 days later and started shouting CELLA PASSED CHONGO in wc and Chongo replied "No need to rub it in"
  13. I would miss all my friends and home clan members that have been so helpful to me. Shout out to --commanders of fate--  but one of my favorite memories is probably when people tried to raise breast cancer awareness in wc and kept saying save the breasts. there were probably a hundred silences lol
  14. What gif