What/Who are the Valiant Knights?

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Moody, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. *Hopes moody doesnt notice*
  2. *Points big flashing arrow at AJ*
  3. *Puts green screen in front of arrow and AJ*
  4. Either I'm going selective blind or there's nothing wrong with the AJ name...

    If it's just barcodey stuff then meh, there's a link and my fake barcode is good enough :p
  5. You put -llXll-AJ-llXll- instead of -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-

    Basically you put LL instead of II
  6. Very well done, nice update.

  7. Very nice thread Moody.
  8. Why is your name blue?

    Thanks for doing this to keep that off my wall.
  9. We've missed you.. Come back to the forums.
  10. it's like a smurf village in here.
  11. It is indeed :)
    (well some of them are more on a pvp based player I think)
  12. Re: What and Who are the Valiant Knights?

    I second that
  13. Re: What/Who are the Valiant Knights?

    Aww, someone's a little bitter they'll never be a VK or a mod again. :cry:

    So sad.
  14. Can we get an 'almost' valiant knight award?

    Cause i can only be nice every other day... Well, maybe once a week.
  15. Watch out he might silence you
  16. Pretty sure if you are almost nice, you become a mod 
  17. pretty sure the only qualification for mod is a low iq.

    hey look over there! a cat gif!

    you see, a mod will have forgotten what i originally said by now. they are an easily distracted sort of folk.
  18. Damn, I failed the test.
  19. Re: What/Who are the Valiant Knights?

    Benny you just won't be able to understand because you were never a mod
  20. Re: What/Who are the Valiant Knights?

    Do you mean mod or valiant knights?
    Because to be a mod you can just apply but to be a valiant knight you should be helpful to the community........
    Just realized it by now :p