Ahh memories. Among the already stated classics I would add: Metal gear (the original) Shaherazade Wizards and warriors And pong for Atari the best get out lol River raid Vanguard Kaboom Defender Asteroids Pac man And about 20 more that were better than pong
Just Incase there are any M.U.L.E. Fans out there, you can now get that game on iPad! I haven't gotten it yet, but I'm thinking about it. My favorite tactic in mule was to outfit my buildings, then go into town, buy up every last mule, and release them into the wild, thus shutting down everyone else's operations
Contra Force Rampage Paperboy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Duck hunt John Elway's football Bill elliot's Nascar Friday the 13th Battle Toads Megaman Narcs Punch out( not the mike tyson one, the one with the little white dude)
The one with the little white dude is tysons punch out... I believe your name it kit, or kid.. Idk... But yes all the Mario games are a staple and worth being named as great.. Mario 3 was awesome and a nice stepping stone to Super Nintendo's super Mario world.
More C64 Classics; Winter Games Summer Games California Games Skate or Die Defender of the Crown Outrun Sensible Soccer Bruce Lee Exploding Fist International Karate Kung Fu Master Barbarian Mancopter Kombat School
I always had trouble with the second time "Don flamingo" came around in tysons punch out. Did anyone in the history of ever beat that game?
It out of consoles with the PS2. The pressures of adulthood finally became too much. Now my gaming is reserved strictly for iPad. That being said..... No modern game for me has ever been as fun as the old Nintendo games. Those were the most fun things to play, and no future system has ever recaptured it IMHO
Watched a friend of mine play it all the way through to beat Tyson, but I don't think he can do it anymore though.
I swear my game didnt say mike tyson on it. Ill have to google it now. It was like 20 some years ago lol **Update** It was Called "Punch-Out!!" and the dudes name was Lil Mac.
There was 2 if my memory is correct. The first one released was just punch out. Then they released a second with Mike Tysons name in it. And I believe the first one's last fight was a different guy then Mike Tysons Punch Out
1 Bubble Bobble 2 Rad Racer 3 RC Pro Am 4 Metroid 5 Kid Icarus 6 The Legend of Zelda 7 10 Yard Fight 8 Top Gun 9 Ghosts and Goblins 10 Shadowgate