what was your favorite Original Nes games?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 311-__-R00STER-__-311, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. this thread.. has made me want to pull out an emulator.
  2. Oh yeah and Track and Field with that big Nintendo pad you could stomp on  vs 
  3. Nononononono emulator. Got to keep it real
  4. That track n field pad was awesome. Though eventually we all slapped it with our hands
  5. Think I still have the foot pad. And the duck hunt gun, although I destroyed it when I was 6 by cutting the cord (/.-)

    Not understanding why that emoji is being replaced by a question mark...
  6. MegaMan
    Bonk, no one had a head as massive as his...
  7. Speaking of bionic..

    Bionic Commando anyone?
  8. How could this whole thread be full of posts and not a one lists the best game ever? Craziness!

    River City Ransom was awesome! Could play it over and over and over....and I did.
  9. Bionic Commando? Definitely one of the hardest games on NES, besides Rygar.
  10. River city ransom. Gonna wiki that game. I remember it, think you had to pick a crew to brawl?
  11. Lol you can't stop that Cap Boso crossing route

  12. Have one for on the go.lol.
  13. Zelda for sure.
  14. I just bought a sega genesis with 80 games on it at bed bath and beyond today for ....er...my son for xmas ...hopefully they do a nes version soon.
  15. Snake Rattle and Roll!!
  17. oh dear lawd Battletoads. that game was a nightmare. never did get past level 3. now im kinda wanting to try it again.
  18. I had a Commodore 64 with tape  30 minutes loading... At the end "load error..." ?️