what was your favorite Original Nes games?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 311-__-R00STER-__-311, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. M.U.L.E was actually quite interesting. Its own style.Good one.
  2. Double Dribble
    Ivan Stewart's super off road (might be snes)
  3. I'll add metal gear to the list
  4. Zelda's always going to be a classic.
  5. 1 Contra
    2 Gradius
    3 RC Pro AM
    4 Baseball Stars
    5 Tecmo Bowl
    6 Blades of Steel
    7 Genghis Khan
    8 Dragon Warrior
    9 Mike Tyson's Punch Out
    10 Excitebike
  6. Did anyone on this thread play "base wars"? 
  7. Lol I remember that robot baseball
  8. Added an element like blades of steel, and baseball simulator 1000
  9. Best gsme ever. Especially if you had an mcycle and a turbo controller
  10. Everything was awesome with Game Genie.Haha.

  11. That was my favorite futuristic baseball game ever!
  12. Turbo mode. NES ADVANTAGE. Still rocking one in the kids game room.
  13. Don't go longer than a decade before you play all these great NES games ?

    1. California Games
    1a. Baseball Stars
    2. Tecmo Super Bowl
    3. Contra
    4. Life force
    5. Super spike VBall/World Cup soccer
    6. Mike Tyson's punch out
    7. Legend of Zelda
    8. Excite bike
    9. Ice Hockey
    10. Super Dodge Ball
  14. Ikari Warriors, Commando, Jackal and Rush n Attack cool too
  15. Super Mario Bros.
    Duck Hunt
    Track and Field
    Mike Tyson's Punch Out
    Tecmo Bowl

    Can't remember any others atm
  16. California games lol, u remember playing that on the Apple 2e. Freaking awesome
  17. Great lists so far. All great games. But missing a couple:

    Tmnt (arcade one)
    Ninja gaiden
    MLB Baseball
  18. Yes castlevania!
  19. Oh yea... Forgot duck hunt... Solid game