what to do with Adrian Peterson? opinion thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moose2, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. He should do jail time and lose his nfl career. There's thousands of people who would like to be a football player. Reward the good ones. Buuuuurn the idiots
  2. Recently.
    A milionaire president of a firm that controls the food at most sports venues kicked his dog in an elevator..video made it to internet....he was fired.
  3. I'm not sure:

    A: that we CAN make a proper judgement on this case, and

    B: that we SHOULD

    From what I can tell this wasn't a random beating, but rather what we would consider an excessive punishment. Who are we-fans of football-to make this judgement?

    That is left to the courts and they have decided.

    The courts decided this case as they have decided thousands of other similar such cases with only 1 notable difference-it was done so under the espn microscope.

    You saw a parade of self-righteous sports analysts and former sports legends all lecturing the camera with two goals in mind: increase ratings and sell advertisements.
  4. To your first point, a "proper" judgement is a matter of opinion in this case. Its interesting to see the two sides discuss this. Just because there is disagreement, hiwecer, diesnt mean that a proper judgement is not out there. What is proper for Adrian Peterson will be determined by society at large, as it seems the majority dictates what is and is not culturally acceptable
    As to your second point, yes, we SHOULD make judgements on this stuff. When a helpless Person is assaulted, we would be remiss as decent human beings if we said, "you made your son bleed from his crotch, but, who am I to judge?" Deciding on how these people are dealt with in society is an important discussion.
    Being a football fan has very little to do with casting the judgement. Society in civilized countries does shen a fundamental morality. The fundamental reality boils down to these few things
    1. Don't discriminate against people due to their religion, race, or sexuality
    2. Everyone needs a fair shot at their deans
    3. You can do what ever you want, so long as your actions don't hurt others.

    Adrian Peterson violated the third point in that contract society holds, so, since he done so, he is being judged.
    Judges are men, not gods, and the lawyers that interceded for the people are often corrupt. They judicial system is necessary, but also deeply flawed. Look at the OJ Simpson trial for an example. Just becsuee a judge takes a plea bargains does not mean that we, as thinking members of society get to take a pass on issues like this. Course like people, issue opinions. The only difference is thst a courts opinion is legally binding, even if its wrong.
    This is true and alarming. If we were to look at other abuse cases with similar scrutiny, how many other people who whoop the ever living crap out of their kids get to walk? Your statement highlights the very issue of abuse. The kids need protection for more than the dad does. Shame on the courts. And shame on anyone who checks their mind at the door once a verdict is rendered.
    I can agree with that. Sports is a business, and i have no doubt that some weighed in on this for the publicity. However, this doesn't diminish the point that what Adrian Peterson did was horrible, and as society goes, we need to figure out how to deal appropriately with these people.nwe need to do this becaise a nations youth is imoortsnt, and 4 year olds have no means of defense, hence, at times like this, it is society at large that needs to offer the defense of these kids.
  5. All hearsay and speculation. I have no firsthand knowledge of any actual court documentation, testimony, or evidence so cannot in good conscience have an opinion. However, knowing a fair number of attorneys, both defense and prosecutors and judges, I would tend to have to trust their judgement in the matter and would be hard pressed to believe that if the injuries were as severe as has been posited by the media, then Adrian would be required to serve some time incarcerated. But idk.
  6. Now, having looked at some of the internet information...and I don't know how the press get's this information...but if you, or I, or a police officer, or an astronaut, or an elected official (dictators, monarchs, and nuns..lol..are for some reason exempted) it would be a class d felony with a sentence from 6 months to 7 years. Should be noted, evil dictators historically get theirs in the end. But on an odd tangential side note, some rich with fetishes actually pay for that kind of treatment.
  7. I would run him straight up the middle and wear the D-Line out the first half. Then the second half I would blast him to the outside were his speed would lead to big gains. And I would also throw a few screens his way

  8. I am entitled to my opinion I am not a judge . I am not saying this is what should happen I am saying what I feel. It's not like I'm going to prosecute him. This is just a forum for conversation . But I stand by what I said .
  9. Child abusers should be dealt with in the proper manner.. prison, and make sure every inmate Nos what he has done.
  10. So all these years I thought my parents loved me and cared for me was all a lie? Them teaching me right from wrong while spanking me with that wooden spoon and it breaking a cross my ass and then switching to the handle of the fly swatter when I laughed about the for mentioned spoon breaking was actually child abuse? Or the time when I was 5 and drank one of my dads collector gold beer cans on a dare from my older brothers as they run off and tell on me and I got the belt that too was child abuse? Or when my baby sitter spanked me for saying I'm not eating those ******* peas? Cause damn I guess I was one abused kid and I think I have to reevaluate my life.


    I can honestly say I never laughed again while I was getting a whoopin and I never drank one of my dads beers again. (Well of course Ive drank a beer since then.) Also guess what? I eat ******* peas now. So what you so call "child abuse" (and yes in my mind I did the finger gesture) I call my parents doing what they thought was best for me. End rant. Good day all. ️
  11. Did your dad make you bleed out of your crotch with any if those offenses?
  12. Can't say from the crotch but on my ass cheeks I did. And I'm sure Adrian thought you know what I bet he will learn his lesson if I smack him across the crotch. Yes sarcasm intended.
  13. Your logic escapes me. Using violence to teach a child life's lessons is a non sequitur. You're defending a man who grabbed a stick and beat a four year old kid bloody. I don't think I can persuade you to change your view on discipline, but by engaging you here I can show others your absurdity.

    "I did a bad thing but my pa beat me senseless, so I don't do bad things no more"

  14. It seems to me from the article that the crotch injury was completely unintended. It's likely that he didn't notice exactly what was happening in the heat of the moment and then later after thinking about it started picking out these details, ie. the switch wrapping around his leg, and the hit on the kid's crotch.
  15. This. The injury was unintended, but since it happend, **** hit the fan. I completely agree with the father's disciplinary methods.
  16. So, you actually agree with getting a stick and beating a little kid when he does something sassy?

    Its not a rhetorical Question. I'm trying to clarify your position.
  17. To be honest I'm defending a man that did not try and hide his actions. A man that did everything that was asked of him by the court of law. A man until recent events was a modest man that did more for others then most people do. A man that's being labeled a child abuser because he was doing what he thought was right for a form of discipline that not only he grew up with but many of other people have too and myself also and I don't think my parents traumatized me by doing so.
  18. I will agree that there are two vastly different methods to disciplining your child, and depending on which method you choose, your child will grow up to either be productive to society or drag it down, provided the person administering the discipline knows what they are doing. Personally I see the merits to both ways of discipline. If you are fine with your child following pop culture, failing classes, and generally not being the best that they could be (stereotypically) then the non-violent approach is best for you, because who knows, maybe the parent holds the same exact values that the child will hold. If you want a disciplined child, one who knows how to contain himself, and generally does not fall into the category of "swag", then provided you know what you are doing, hitting your child is definitely the best method. Be aware that this is purely statistical, and stereotypical because of those statistics, but that also there will are ways be exceptions to this because no child is alike. It's up to the parent to decide how the child will grow up, and I would rather have a strict, disciplined, successful child than a tatted up, pierced and dyed hipster "artist". Statistically and stereotypically speaking, of course.
  19. I was once taught to never discipline your kids when you are angry and in the moment. Maybe AP didn't notice he was hitting the kids scrotum. But for a guy that can literally bench press 450 lb to hurt a kid that bad is ridiculous.

    That being said, the NFL could be in a huge legal battle if he was fired (released) for behavior that was already punished by legal authorities.

    It's easy to isolate this and make a big deal of it, but there have been much worse things happen with players that have come back once they "learned their lesson." Who can say who is the decider on that part? I personally am not qualified ;)