If they have pots they still payout, it's a similar instance to when a ps runs out of gold and has no defence pots (not 100% on that) but pots do get calculated in your payout
a ps with 0 gold is dtw to attacks regardless of pots and build. a hansel is dtw to attacks by an att build if 0 gold. an att build is dtw to steals by a hansel if 0 gold.
Unless you are playing with someone who knows how to play the mechanics. Alison use to build and drop a guild. She would build it to hit a player, then drop it to dunk under the dtw by stats thresh hold. On the sucess rate. Full offensive pots overcome full defensive pots. Also, BFE and BFA play a part in this because those stats never drop, (like you get weak after each hit with your build troops, but not with BFA and BFE.. Unless it is a percentage BFE.