What the hell happened to this game?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DrWrong, Nov 12, 2021.

  1. I came back to check up on this game after a very long time of leaving the war scene, what I saw discussed me. I checked the war threads and all I saw are weak noobs complaining about leaks and ee and system wars, I saw nothing at all about OSWs. Only noob apology threads going back a year ago.

    Big names and big clans resigning to chasing shiny items and stupid rewards that the developers dangle in front of you. You forgot the essence of this game.

    The hardcore fighters back in the day never played for shiny items or stupid rewards and loot. We played for the thrill to subdue and expose the weak pretentious so called tough guys within the OSW clans and make them surrender to us.

    Did you guys forget?

    The state of the game atm is a disgrace.

    Please remove all the bull on your clan pages. There are no OSW war clans today.

    The people who been warring back then knows the truth and I salute you for being here still, but unfortunately you have no true soldiers. Back in the day the players made the clan strong, not hide behind clan banners and just join for protection.

  2. Sadly i agree . As Thrawn, Rogue and Rikkimaru told me :- i should kiss them memorys and days goodbye , because we aint never going to get them fun times back again.
    PoppaBear likes this.
  3. valkyrie-iv sucks btw guys
  4. i think valk is reformed now or just banned from forums 😂.i've noticed now i can safely write forum threads and he doesnt troll them 😊
  5. There are still OSW's just ask the dying clan Synergy all about it.

    I couldn't imagine how much more boring it would still be though if it weren't for trading and the new features. Gives the game another element.
  6. It’s a different time. Those were the days of hardened warriors. Those a hard to find these days. It’s a different game for sure. I personally am not saying it’s a bad thing nor am I “discussed”. It is what it is. Play or move on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
    DamianQuinn, PoppaBear and Bachkeda like this.
  7. In KOTFE during those glorious times .many stripswins and beat downs. Those were grand days with great warriors. You had to live it to know the thrills and downs . Clannies and former foes I salute you all. Was truly best ot times.
  8. Wait what 🤣 nah you are mistaken, and you still lack GCSEs
  9. Premium ebs happened. ( Pay 2 play)
  10. Living by alarms and late night phone calls to tell you you no longer have allies...........
  11. Waking up in 30 minute intervals to send out a spy just to make sure your enemy couldn't tell when your sleep schedule was so they couldn't plan a strip
  12. It's a game bro, relax. All of those "wars" of old you are so fond of were still just people sitting on their couches and tapping their phones. If people actually enjoyed that aspect of the game, they'd still be doing it.
    G04T and ApexOfDeath like this.
  13. I don’t know if that’s true Avatar (also hey!). I think the game totally evolved and developed away from that style when pwars were phased out. Rightly or wrongly, using the system to get cash to often fund battles not in the system made for a good time!
    But it’s a young (at heart) person’s game. As the warriors got older they didn’t want to wake up at 2am anymore to make sure they weren’t stripped. And no new blood came into that way of life because EBs were easier and a very different style of game.

    what I’m saying is that warriors breed warriors and when that didn’t become lucrative to both developer or player, we ended up here.
  14. I have also just re-downloaded the game after an extended break and it makes me sad to see the way it is played today.

    I don’t understand all of the alliances that have been made for no apparent reason… Alliances used to rarely be formed and were usually circumstantial (as in, we’re both at war with this clan, let’s work together till it’s over). If the alliance did last it was between two main clans at most. Now every “war” clan is allied with every other clan, or can’t hit that clan because it is ally’s with one of their ally’s.

    Moral of the story, you’re right there are no war clans left. Any of the old war clans that are still around just like to put other clan’s names on their page so people don’t buy their allies.

    The true osw clans and players that made this game great are gone now. And the “war” clans that are still left didn’t win the fight, they just stopped fighting and opted for fancy font and art on their clan page.
  15. would be surprised if you had any you melt
  16. this
  17. i would personally blame “kaw inflation” as it were. stats got bigger, allies got more expensive, gold became more P2P to get. just made stripping players harder, and without strips OSW is kind of just a boring and useless slap fest for months/years on end.

    but it’s more financially lucrative to get players addicted to buying “seals” or “chimes” or whatever they are nowadays, and honestly good on ATA. it sucks for a lot of us who grew up playing the game a different way, but hey at the end of the day we gave the devs money and in turn they did what they could to make sure we kept giving them money. it’s our own faults for making P2P ebs so financially lucrative for ATA.
    In_DeViOuSoNe_SaNe likes this.
  18. People like you being moderator just proves the point of this thread you noob boy.
    Yes it was just a game but it was real wars with actual real money and status to lose. It is obvious that you never OSW before, even if you did you were too noob to fully understand.
    This was and ever will be the only ‘game’ that you can actually hurt people, we used to drop top 1-20 ally LB players down to just buildings stats. Back in the days you need to spend to get into LB. That’s why the developers changed the game mechanics and dynamics, we hit their top spenders and they used to cry loud. Back in the day the game had meaning and you could never disrespect or you face the consequences.

    We also used to spend but we were smart enough to not do using our main accounts and used hidden banks instead.

    The developers are largely to blame for the death of OSW, but noobs like you are a big part