Hardly impossible to get on Top 10k LB. Get EE, PvP pays great, ally trading. To name a few ways to grow. Ppl do not use other means to grow have no validity arguing stunting their growth. Ops says WANT... Its all about DOING
Too bad neither is possible without utter extermination of all races except for one. And even that would only fix the second problem, not the peace one.
support, and imo PvP should pay way more than ebs, pvp is basically you hitting another player who probably has gold, and you can TAKE that gold, and Ebs are literally just random creatures getting attacked... Yet that still gives you more gold.
Re: Depends on build vs build. PvP with weapon pays more than HtE for me. Spell makes it even more lucrative. Hitting hansels is easy win and min troop loss
Have you guys ever heard of 2007scape or OSRS? It's runescape but from 2007, and people who are members can vote on what gets added from the new game, so it stays true to the old school runescape vibe, but has the grand exchange added. Do that with KaW. Corinthian made a suggestion of exactly what I am explaining maybe 2-3 years ago and it got hundreds of supports with 0 acknowledgement from ATA. Basically, go back to KaW right after the highlands were added, but change the mechanics to eliminate pwars. pwars were the beginning of the end. Bring it back to that time and it would be a blast.
An all womens war clan could be created Ladies from Hell or Killers in Skirts or Alimony is Us or Dressed to Kill
Just do a 48 hour "old school kaw" where you remove the ebs and wars and have "battle" as the only option. Watch people go berserk.
Make it incentivized so as those not warring can watch the fun too. Both war clans can choose which rules out of a selection list. Say rosters up to 200 with clans being within 5 members of each other. Agree on all rules n let da fun begin....
All mens war clan names Owner/Operators or Disgruntled Divorcees or YMCA or Gang Bangers or Jacks of all master of None
For the Kids here r a few names Kiddies with Kannons or My Sandbox is Bigger or I am gonna Tell on U or Mommy She bit Me or Not Fair they Cheated or We Kill for Candy
Older kawers war clan names Alzheimers Anonymous or Who hid my Dentures or Rock n Rollers Never Die or Fine Wine or Grannies and Grandpas or DeadHeads or the Pensioners or Hide our own Easter Eggs