Well let me start from the beginning. God created the heavens and the earth. He created the birds, fish, animals, and Adam and Eve. And from there they had a son. And so on. So we are human because of our lord and savior
What makes you human, whether you believe in God or not, is your Soul. A machine, no matter how realistic, lifelike, and sentient, has no soul. And there is just the illusion of free will. So sorry James Spader, your Ultron lips are not human.
To quote Chris Pratt... You gotta.... *motion like struggling with a stubborn stick shift*. You know?
Free will is the general aspect of what makes Humans different than other creatures the Narwhal and the Moose. Another large thing is the humans ability to decipher right and wrong(product of the Garden of Eden) and make judgments based on what instincts we develop. Our brain also functions differently than other creatures, as in our form of speech, which is more complex. I believe animals do have communication, no doubt, however, it is not complex. Complexity generally makes a major factor in what the difference is between Man and Beast. As in turn we do Micro evolve, which basically developing certain traits and instincts to adapt to our situations, which is something other creatures do not do, to say that we can develop thing and traits on our own is quite impressive.
Um.... Fellow Christians who believe in God.... And to those who answer back to them.... Can you stop derailing a thread? I mean, you can't do anything if that's what we want, we are not controlled unlike robots, we have our own choice. We choose this, you choose yours, and even how much it sounds unrealistic, can you just let us do our own? I mean, people ourselves have our own choice, and be happy that we do not force you or even told you to join us in kaw's forums. If you are in real life, I mean, imagine if girls told that boys are alike. You aren't, right? We people are unique from each other, unlike robots who are the same for the same job. I also derail the thread :lol: But I'll focus my opinion from that paragraph anyway ... Robots are programmed and made for a task, and they are made for a reason. We humans are sometimes made unintentionally (sorry for wrong spelling), either from young pregnant teenagers, to older adults, we are made to live, not to be a tool. And unlike robots, humans are unique. We are not alike. No one talk, think, and act like us, and no one are us to be exact. Humans are unique in different ways, emotional, moral, social, physical, etc. but robots are the same. The same type, with the same program, with the same materials, with the same intelligence, with the same task, with the same style, and with the same reason to be made. And unlike robots, humans can discover more and humans have a possibility to be smarter, either as smart as Einstein or smarter than him. Robots do not discover, and do what they are for instead. Also, as what narwhal said, if you base on science, humans are made out of cells and tissues, while robots are made out of metals or plastics. Robot's mind and body is made out of chips, codes, motherboard, and thus making them programmed for what they should do (unless there's a problem in the ciruit, which can change the robot's aim.... And there goes a new idea for a sci-fi story or movie : p ) I expect that this would be a wall of text, so I put some bbcodes because it's annoying whenever ppl answer back to me but some of them didn't actually finish reading it because of boredom . I know that feeling, but I don't want to be boring as well anyway