What makes a eb fairy?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by XxXbatdogXxX, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Nothing wrong with playing how you want to. I have gone through pvp, farm, and eb fairying lol. This game is pretty fun either way!
  2. All good points but what sticks out to me is how u say eb's were created to get more players. You are very wrong here, eb's were created to destroy plunder wars. Now all u hear is ppl bashing the eb fairy when in fact when plunder wars were happening THERE WAS 0 SYS WARS goin on which are the ppl wanting the old way back now that didnt even war then coz as I said they were sitting in a pw which is basically the same thing as an eb but EASIER coz u didnt have the chance of failing. You already failed n lost the pw to the osf to give them the plunder. You had strip wars goin on still which is what that player wanted to do. Funny thing is the strip warriors didnt run around calling everyone pw fairies. You play your game, I play mine, it's anyone's choice on how they want to play. Why don't y'all call them war fairies or EE fairies, don't matter it's just a hater hating on someone else. Devs know this is a war game and why they started EE wars to get ppl warring again and ppl still whine,moan, cry, and ***** about that.The game is still the same as it was basically, eb=pw EE=sys war and if u wanna chance at hitting off the BL or some dude/chic u don't like, you may face the wrath of there entire clan(s)
  3. What makes an eb faery? Being a queen of eb faeries let me put in my opinion.
    We like to hit'n'run ebs during work, and chat with clannies after hours.
    We like to let our alt war, just as we have warred. To say eb faeries have never warred is not true. But we use our mith now to make our names fabulous colors. Our towers have been replaced with bfa.
    We respect the game, and all player modes.
  4. OP's question 'What makes an EB fairy?'

    Android devices make EB fairies.

    Trying to war with "couldn't contact server, please try again." every time you hit the attack button just doesn't work.

    Trying to post to CC or WC takes me 5 attempts even with WiFi + 4g @ 50mbs.

    So, your answer :- lazy devs that cannot be bothered to find 'request data packet' in their coding for dummies index. That's what makes an EB fairy.
  5. Lol, I can tell you this isn't a droid problem.
  6. Lol it's not. I KaW on droid and I do just fine 