Im not trying to be rude here but... I dont think you understand what you just said here. you just said that no one is forcing me to hit ebs to grow. i can choose not to and not grow. that is the exact option 'theoretically' being offered to non pvp motivated players. I do not hit ebs because i enjoy them. i hit them because i i basically have a gun to my head and im being forced to if i want to finance my osw/pvp. *EMPHASIS BELOW* i am forced too. i am not being offered an alternative. and 'theoretically' nothing is stating that it is osw style war. it would most likely be ee wars. the only river flowing here is denial and you are the source. you keep saying everyone has a choice but then do a swam dive into that river crying "why do i have to, why do i have too. make them instead"! you are refusing to understand that by not hitting ebs we cant play one of the fundamental elements of kaw!
I'm pretty sure you're right. Most war/OSW clans run HTE for gold to strip people. While stripping someone you use lots and lots of xtals
Amazing, factually supporting my theory on things and people still try to kick a dead horse (Figuratively speaking) the combined comments from here really does amaze me.
You should really sort out your writing, you kinda need to use paragraphs and use correct grammar. Also Learn Bb Codes There Fun.
They're* sorry. I like your comments, but you can't criticise grammar and use bad grammar in the same post. Lol
Keep it up! I love forum trolls, halo you are in fact one of my favorites. Also keep in mind,this was typed in haste on a mobile device. I could have done better on a computer.
You call trolls who don't agree with you :roll: And foruming is much easier on phones than it is on PC, btw you've just told everyone how thoughtless and unrefined your op is by saying in a haste... Threads are meant to take time. Otherwise you get crap like this.
No posting off topic useless comments like above is trolling . Also for some it is easier via Mobile get your facts straight.