What makes a eb fairy?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by XxXbatdogXxX, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. This thread was posted as a question/informative thread.
  2. Adjust gets it. Nighthawk gets it. Tnt gets it. Omar gets it. The only one here that does not get it is op. Smh
  3. And we are answering YOUR questions
  4. Maybe so but respect what ppl post when replying their point of views n opinions.
    Everyone is not in agreement on everything but some make valid points too.
  5. FYI many ppl disagree with my posts at times n we talk smack back n forth. I can handle it. Again its a game n when i post i can expect good n bad. I expect no less. I'm not always right nor always wrong either.
  6. I post, you disagree its a debate. You make a smart ass remark its hate, you can all try to say I dont understand. However fact remains. No PvE players devs loose profit. No profit no kaw :)
  7. To make another point. Enough people complained about the shard event it was changed mid event! Get rid of those people and what happens? Hmmm, does not require a high IQ to figure that out
  8. Meore PvP events?
  9. Brilliant ^ Further push those players to quiting crippling the economy
  10. You do know that people spent during that event? And eb fairies got their protection spell, doesn't cripple the economy of kaw, it fixes the inflation issues.
  11. Protection spell? Hte clans shut down for that event. That is one of kaws biggest source of income
  12. However will agree, would fix inflation and I would like more personally. Again I'm not taking a set side. I just want equality for both aspects of play
  13. You must really be a noob then if you didn't find that protection spell, also only hte clans that shut down where the fail ones, and just to make your point even more unless about hte clans shutting down...

    Kaw was a great game before hte came on the sense, people spent money on xtrals to strip, pvp, war and hit epics. It may impact short term, for a week but kaw would still be the same game if hte was dumped, also events would be fair to all.
  14. Really now? So I checked a few thriving clans that froze passes for the event. Hmmmmm invalid point. Dropping hte cuts money for the devs. So cut off your nose to spite your face? Also be rid of PvE players right? So majority of Kaw? Absolutely Brilliant! To think I actually agreed with something you said.
  15. Do learn to read the whole post, as I said it will hurt in the short term, but long term will return to normal as players will spent just as must as they do now on xtrals and event items.
  16. Do learn to look at the past and move forward. That was kaw at the start and they had to bring Eb's to expand player base. Again brilliance!
  17. Also for PvP event they had the lantern thing whish brought in huge profits. People bought xtals and nobs still during PvP event. Just because the HTE clan got shut down doesn't mean they weren't bringing in a lot of profit
  18. You're the one who's crying about hte clans shutting down, don't act like I've taken your candy from you since, I've told you what would happen.
  19. Also adust, if I'm not mistaken the people who use hte the most are the pvp players who run it at their own clan, to every 1 hte clan there's 5 (or more) clans running it as normal in typical clans
  20. Yeah it brought income for a short time, hte is a more permanent money maker. I'm trying to understand your comments but it revolves around the ideal that kaw will thrive with no Eb's. Which again was how it WAS and became this!