What makes war builds superior is they can strip farm eb fairys and be fairys having no std just has to watch and cry as there game is slowly getting ruined
TNT I have answered a few times, no one forces you to PvE anymore than normal players To PvE. Hitting players is still alive hence Battle List. Hitting a Eb is just the preffered method of growth. @Hypnotic You realize that every Irrelevant/Ridiculous comment bumps my thread right? Cheers for the Hate! Shows me I'm doing well!
Go for it! Drop the player base and make kaw shut down faster! Brilliant suggestion for those who spend money in this game! Keep up the brilliant ideas and you might make Mod soon!
In my first post you'll notice I said we have to pve to stay competitive. The fact is pve is necessary (unless you wanna drop 300$ daily on nobs) to compete in the pvp game. Growth through straight PvP is not an option. Any arguement against that is pure ignorance. So my point stands. We have to play your game, but you don't have to play ours.
Glad you like the egg thread. And as for forcing. No one can do anything to force you to do something. But everyone also has battlelist option. Every profile an attack option. Anyone can play how they like. As my thread shows. I play attacking players that offend me. And they can endure that or meet terms. I do not drive them to hit me back or war with me. I play the way I see fit. That said I always give a way out. I'm reasonable. ( most times ) But a player that chooses to eb only will always have to face two consequences on here. One they will be perceived as a weaker player and a victim ( think school playground. The small kid always gets it. It's just how it is ) they are eb fairies. Two if you don't fight to gain a rep and respect from actual players. You are going to have very poor chances at keeping allies in this game as they are a strippable commodity and the good ones are fought over. And a special note. Attacking players is a great way to meet people just an FYI. War clans are far more chatty than eb clans any day of the week.
Nothing against ppl choosing EB Faerie mode. U will get no sympathy if attacked n will not defend yourself.
Good point optimal, hitting people has made me a lot of friends. Also TnT NO ON FORCES YOU TO HIT EB'S The devs never released a "Hit The Eb or Loose You account" that's what your not getting. No one actually forced anyone to do PvE people chose that path by there own free will of choice
What it Eb fairy mode? War is as I said "A fight against an enemy" everyone hits Eb's. So does that make everyone eb fairies?
Batdog, I'll say this for the third time . We must hit ebs to STAY COMPETITIVE. If we don't hit ebs, we wouldn't get past 50k cs. I don't understand how you don't comprehend that. Eb players can Eb only and be SELF SUSTAINING. PvP DOES NOT HAVE THAT OPTION.
EB Faeries don't war OSW or EE or SW or PvP Its as TNT said many times. Warriors EB to sustain their warring.
Do it like the did in the "golden days"; Osf. Osf is basically the EB for pvp players. Sustain on that.
I'll say this again TNT, it was working before and players can still choose to take that path of growth. Do not hate the game hate the players. However hating the players does not work because without them there is no Kaw! Life is about adapting, no one says you cannot hit others to grow. However players protect each other.