You would, but the mechanics went that way so here we are. Youre better off forgetting about guild hansel until youve at least got 29 lands as an attack build. At that point you want a minimum of 7 guild lvl 4, and 1 balanced troop building, preferably T4, as well as any others to fill up your lands. Then, you should slowly convert your other attack buildings to guild lvl 4, until youve got all guilds and that 1 balanced building remaining, at which point just buy lands and hit Ambush/The Haunting. You may need pots with The Haunting if you dont have a high level of attack from equipment or allies. Make sure youre at max plunder the whole time though. Growing as a hansel when you are small is very hard without massive assistance, and so it is more advised that you build a substantial base for yourself in as cheap a way as possible while you learn the game mechanics and how things work, before converting to/staying with a build that suits your play style the best. Dont just change build to make more gold if you dont understand the pros and cons of it, and it doesnt suit how you play. Every build has ups and downs, so be careful when choosing.
Build whatever you want don't make a certain build for money it all depends on your style of building