I'm not sure what killed the ally market or if in fact it's dead at all. However, I did hear that video killed the radio star.
its not dead imo, it's op'd as hell & good to see it slowing down abit lately but if u buy an ally around market price they sell faster than hot potatoes lol
The ally market is cyclical, and in general it fluctuates with supply and demand, like real life markets. When new lands are released, people are more likely to invest gold in lands & upgrades - instead of allies. Demand is low, and ally prices go down. People drop allies in order to upgrade, flooding the market with allies that are cheap relative to pre-release prices. When an event ends (silver bars) or we have an HTE or ZTA promo, anything that puts more gold in the system, people who are BC have nothing to spend on but allies. Demand goes up, and ally prices also go up. I'm not a pro trader, but even at my level, I've seen this happen several times.
Ally market is very much alive. Try learning how to trade. It's actually a part of the game that can make you a fortune.