Nevermind, the first spacecraft to land on the moon didn't have any people on it. It was Russian Luna 2. Anyways, carry on with le utopia.
Quick thing the foundation for the Internet as we know it was made in CERN by a brit who then shared his creation with the world for free.
My utopia is very simple - surrounded by books and loved ones (friends and family). Wait, I have that already (Utopia exists because it's a state of mind)
My utopia? When I close my eyes and envision my perfect world all I can see is.....blood...blood everywhere.
Utopia is an ideal that can never be realized. This does not mean that it cannot be beneficial to strive towards an ideal. The danger lies in the claim that utopia can be realized here or in the afterlife. The ideal can then endow the imperfection of reality with a full legitimacy that even makes that obvious malpractices are considered sacred. Christianity can have this function, communism as well: utopia rendering reality a dystopia. An imperfect reality blessed with supposed perfection. The same can be argued for to happen when extreme capitalism is considered to be the paramount of socioeconomic development. The concentration of capital will be considered an effect of equity enabled by an ideal of individual liberty that is considered to have been realized. It legitimizes that ever more people have ever less fair chances. That justice can be bought, that the rich are venerated and of course that this system has to be exported to other regions of the world.
America runs as a democracy. The capitalistic values of America's society are dying with the more democratic views spreading more popularly through the nation.
My Utopia- A place with no racism or discrimination. Everyone has equal opportunity, there are no super rich or billionaires in my utopia, all have around about equal wealth so everyone is happy and no ones poor. My utopia is full of pacifist leaders No nukes are allowed and every country cannot occupy another. Every country has to support another country in need in my utopia. My utopia has no corruption, religion can be practiced freely but nobody can impose there religion on another forcefully. My utopia would have the government taxing the Rich to give mostly to the poor, education and science would not be given as much importance because I feel we are just right with the technology and developments we have made thus far.
Around the same amount meaning there will be deviation but to keep deviation low the tax measures will be put in place.
My utopia would be humanity going back to nature and living like primates where the fittest survive and there are no inhibitions
Pure capitalism is slowly dying out in modernising countries just as feudalism and divine aristocracy did before it. Taking a very general view, one could argue that large societies tend towards left wing ideas over time. A capitalist base (can) provide a sound economy which funds a move to the political left. Where countries skip this capitalist phase, like Russia under Lenin; they are set back in achieving ideological socialism. In Russia's case, Stalin capitalised the country after Lenin kicked the bucket. I think ideologically from a humanist point of view, working socialism is quite utopian. Members within society supporting each other for mutual benefit. If it worked flawlessly, it would be harmonious; but human nature doesn't allow that (if you take a cynical view) Realistically, I think fairly well regulated capitalism. I'm not from America but in terms of that country, a more Democrat styled approach with more welfare; as on the full political spectrum both major parties of America are largely conservative, operating middle-right ground. We can't have a unanimous utopia whilst opinions differ on what utopia is.
Indeed, his name is Tim Burners-Lee. We should all be very grateful that he didn't patent it... I've never understood why people always assume an American created the Internet, pretty much all the useful inventions have been British...
Yeah... You're not number 1... There's this thing called the HDI (human development index) which measures how developed a country is out of 1. The US is fifth, behind Norway, Australia, Switzerland and the Netherlands. It takes into account life expectancy, education and wealth. The US is very wealthy as a country, so it scores well. However, it doesn't take into account social justice etc. There's a lot more racism and other prejudices in America than in, say, the UK. So if that was included it would only go down compared to the countries directly beneath it (Germany has a very progressive social system, not much racism and so on there).
They're right. It's gotten worse. But I am always optimistic about America. I'm always hopeful that we can get better and better.