what is your real reason to NOT try season warring?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PandaGeorge, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. The only way for me to war is to go sh :|
  2. My reasons are these;
    It's ****** up apparently.
    No time :(
    Not worth the money I most likely will need for the crystals.
    That's really it.
  3. You know it's true, people like you always have an angle, yours is just poorly hidden 
  4. Hmm Wonder what Happen if a Clan Declare Osw vs a ee Clan 
  5. Wow I didn't see you'd responded. Finding a good clan that I can war with that doesn't require me xtalling is difficult  mainly it's war times that prevent me from warring. Always in class or working at those times. I liked chaos wars because they had late night wars and those were my favorite
  6. Im simply not willing to rotate my real life schedule to kaw :) its too structured and horrible. I like randomly occurring surprises in games, not structure :D

    I honestly really want to, but im just not devoted to warring enough that i want to rearrange things for it. I'd rather play league of legends for an hour than a war :D
  7. Dont drop a build, just grow then. Get some towers.

    I was asked to drop build few times when inwas hansel. I decided to grow. Grow a lot! And guess what it paid off. I did manage to get rancor 50 already. So as to accusing me of anything else is dumb. Ive no need to war rest of season.

    But i do want players to get into the game. And enjoy it as much as i have
  8. Just an idea but why not reward kingdoms that stay in one clan I know it's unusual but that was the original idea of EE wars to promote clan loyalty by giving winning clans a bonus when they where in EB's or in system War. Clan loyalty appears with a few rare exception to be a thing of the passed. If EE rewards where given to clans then winning clans could then be drawn against each other so creating to fairer EE system If you leave a clan you would lose the bonus if you join another clan you join with zero bonus you would only obtain better bonus if you stay in the clan. The best clan at the end of the season would then get a special reward
  9. @OS-Aga- that would be like a martial artist fighting a boxer, or a street fighter fighting a martial artist

    @Mudd- yeah, the whole Prestige thing for a clan went to the wayside. Clans with high levels of Prestige used to really be respected. Now, it's like, "oh, they just had a lot of ppl sit-n-go during that last war...

    An idea for the new guys looking to EE/learn how to EE; if enough new guys banned together, created a couple of Clans for themselves and kept members spread evenly, perhaps they'd chance to be matched against each other. Then it'd be an even fight, even matchup with rosters, stats, experience (and not be heavily affected by the lb/sh aspect of it all), and it would be a learning experience for BOTH sides...
  10. Once EE became less about clan strategy and more about roster manipulation it stopped being fun. If you can't successfully war with your friends, and have a good time with a CHANCE at victory.. what's the point?

    Season one was great, but by the end of that season the roster stacking really took hold. Season two sucked and in S3 we were promised changes that never happened or fell well short of what was needed.

    Until I can war with my clan (without anyone having to drop builds), and not need to find mercs to get better matches, EE just isn't appealing to me. Hope they can fix the many issues addressed by the community, because EE was and still can be a great part of this game. Unfortunately the few have ruined it for the many.. not that I fault them, the devs have allowed it to happen. 
  11. I war because I am competitive and the mith equip is cool. I stopped because I can't really join anyone's war unless I'm big. So im growing
  12. I do not war because I'm too small and my clan is not a war clan.
  13. No place for builds like mine. S2 was nice. S1 was nice as well.
    This time, all that matters is how many SH and LB you have.
    75% wars I cast for in S3 were no matches.
    Rest 25%, Mismatches or an inactive problem 
  14. I didnt war this season because my build wasnt too popular…
  15. Because my salary is less than people who bust up rocks with other rocks
  16. I think the Devs made ee wars implausible for most of the community... Weird war start times and the match up algorithm sucks for most clans. Being able to stacking LB with GH players in a war is like the devs telling me they just DGAF about this game to me. So why should I war if they don't even care ?
  17. My reasons for not warring

    1. Improper match ups
    2. The stupid hit ratio
    3. SH
    4. In app crashes
    5. Bad connections and server side lag.
    6. Even tho I'm 16m cs finding a clan that would take me is damn near impossible.
    7. I can be KO'd by a damn SH.

    That is all.
  18. I did a lot of the beta wars, a few in season 1. Why don't I war now:

    No one will accept me and im not willing to blow a lot of gold on more towers

    Very hard to wipe an hour or two out of my day with complete focus on my phone.

    Forums are filled with war complaints, so there really isn't much appeal.
  19. I used to war for season 1 an 2 but after that it seemed that less clans wanted a hansel.. I has 1.5 adt an 2.2 sdt I have pretty good bfe but nobody wanted me so I tore them down an became a eb fairy ...
  20. Size, build, lack of time.